Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t Trust Someone So Much That You Neglect to Investigate Their Product

I recently learned about a new line of skin care products from someone that I really trust. I have benefited so much from their natural health information that I was excited to check out what they were selling. The first thing I noticed when I went to their website was that they had large pictures of natural ingredients with the names under the pictures. Think of coconut oil as an example. As I scrolled to the bottom of the page, I found the list of all the ingredients. There were several preservatives and ingredients that weren’t natural or necessary for good skin health. Unfortunately, those harmful preservatives don’t even guarantee a safe product, because we see recalls all the time where harmful bacteria have proliferated in a product, despite those preservatives that are supposed to stop them. Not only did it contain harmful ingredients, it was very expensive!

It didn’t take me long to realize that these expensive products weren’t that special, and it was certainly nothing that I wanted to put on my skin. Because they have a large following, I’m guessing a lot of people will simply buy these products without considering the ingredients. Just because we trust someone in one area, doesn’t mean we should automatically trust them in another.  I still respect this company and plan to support them in other ways, but it was a good reminder to investigate what someone is selling and not just buy it because I trust them.  Are you reading labels and investigating your products? We love to hear from you!