Back in the mid-1800s a man by the name of Dr Semmelweis used his power of observation to discover why women were dying of puerperal fever in a maternity ward staffed with male doctors and medical students at a rate of 5 times higher, compared to women delivering with midwives, in another ward in the same hospital. After trying a few different approaches, and a lot of frustration, he hypothesized that cadaver parts were getting left behind on the hands of the doctors that were doing autopsies and they were then infecting the patients. He ordered everyone to start washing their hands before working with women, and the child bed fever dropped dramatically. You would think everyone would have been thrilled, but they weren’t. Doctors were actually upset that he made them look bad, and eventually dropped the handwashing again for a time.
We all know now how important hand washing is, but sometimes it’s easy to look at the past and see truth more clearly than it is to see it today. We as humans, in our pride, can certainly trust in the wrong things. We now know that this man was speaking truth, but people called him a lunatic in his time. You see this a lot as you look back in history. There is nothing new under the sun, and we still deal with this issue today.
Every once in a while, I like to scroll through the news or research how to do something. I often find it humorous when I click on an article that says something about debunking an issue and then reading the article only to find that someone is offering their opinion on the subject. There is often a quote from an “expert” which still doesn’t give any evidence to support their claim. I guess they think if they tell us something over and over, eventually we will believe it. Sadly, that does happen a lot. I am so thankful that we have the freedom to do our own research and read both sides of a subject, but we are entering a time in our country that if anyone questions the status quo, they are often shamed, blocked, or even arrested. Thankfully I’m not putting my trust in man, but in God, and the Bible is my source of truth. The Bible says to love others as yourself, but we are to put our trust in God alone. What is your source of truth? We love hearing from you!