Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom for proper storage and preparation of nuts so you don’t have to take enzymes with them.

If you eat substantial quantities of raw pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts or others, you have a choice of swallowing enzyme capsules with them to neutralize their enzyme inhibitors or first germinating the nuts and letting nature do the job through increased enzyme activity resulting from germination.

Edward Howell, MD

Almonds, pecans, cashews, macadamia nuts and peanuts have a high content of stable oleic acid Thus they do not go rancid easily and once prepared by soaking and dehydrating may be stored for many months at room temperature in airtight container. Walnuts on the other hand, contain large amounts of triple unsaturated linolenic acid and are much more susceptible to rancidity. They should always be stored in the refrigerator.

Sally Fallon