Wisdom Wednesday

If you visit the Doctor and they send you home without a medication, give thanks.

When our older children were younger, I often took them to the doctor right away when there was a problem. Because of some confusion, one of our kids was given a very strong antibiotic for something I have learned to easily treat at home with little suffering. After completing this antibiotic my child started to develop yeast on her skin. I had never witnessed anything like this before. When we returned to the doctor, he wasn’t concerned, and we started applying an antifungal cream. As soon as the treatment was finished the yeast went away, but returned again shortly after.

This child was already suffering from our SAD (Standard American Diet) and the poor choices I made, because I wasn’t doing my own research and thinking for myself. That antibiotic (which was not the first) exasperated symptoms she had already been dealing with. Following the antibiotics, she developed more food allergies, had even more trouble with focusing, and the yeast kept returning to her skin. I have recently learned that a study done on antibiotic use revealed that the more antibiotics a person has taken, the greater the risk of some forms of cancer. I now understand how true this could be. Thankfully we learned about the Weston Price Foundation a few years after this time and made some radical changes to our diet and lifestyle and this greatly improved those symptoms.

I have heard it said that if you can find a plant that works to treat a disease, you can isolate a chemical out of the plant and twist the molecules so you can patent it, because there’s no money in recommending treatments if you can’t patent them. Because the plant has been changed and the energy has been transformed it becomes unrecognizable by our bodies (think side-effects). The best it can do is cover up symptoms. Most treatments are more problematic than this disease itself. Have you seen those drug commercials!!!

God has given us every plant for medicine, and this is something that we as a people group should be taking back and learning more about. The more I learn and work with God’s plants, the more in awe I am of Him. It’s interesting to note that many plants have very strong antibacterial qualities. Wars were fought over garlic and onion fields in the past. People were not without anything before the advent of the antibiotic. While I believe there is a time and place for pharmaceuticals, I believe we could benefit from a return to our roots and educating ourselves more about these practices that sustained people groups for thousands of years. Getting a clean, highly digestible, nutrient dense diet has lessened our sickness, but at the first sign of trouble we start attacking with God’s medicine. One must exercise caution and have a good knowledge of what they are doing when working with plant medicine, because some plants are very powerful and what works for one can be very problematic to another.

How do you treat illness in your home? We love to hear from you!!