Wisdom Wednesday:

Multitasking is great, but overtasking is disastrous.

Quote By Kailey Mentink

If you ask my husband or my children how I get everything done in a day, they will tell you that I’m constantly multitasking. While most of the time this works well for me, sometimes I try to do too many things and end with a small or disastrous problem.

On Sunday we had some friends over for dinner. We made pastured pork with Kailey’s homemade barbeque sauce, baked pastured chicken, einkorn sourdough buns, and I planned to make whipped cream with yummy jersey cream from our pastured milk cows. Our friends brought delightful salad from their garden with a homemade dressing, a mashed potato casserole (I think they called it dumb, dumb casserole) with potatoes from their garden and grass-finished beef from their herd. We finished our meal with our friends’ delicious homemade apple crisp with apples that Aiden picked for them from our tree and a healthy topping that they created themselves.

I had felt behind all that day after we had a really busy week of processing beef and chickens along with digging more potatoes than ever, so I was doing A LOT of multitasking that day. I made my whipped cream as usual by using cream, honey from our hive, and my homemade vanilla extract. For a special treat, I even added one of my grade A organic vanilla beans. I couldn’t wait for everyone to try it! I started the mixer and stood there for a time. As I was standing there my mind couldn’t stop thinking of all the work I still needed to do. “I’m going to run out and wipe off the table and come right back,” I told myself. The only problem was that I got a little distracted and let my cream go a little too long. Most people don’t realize this, but if you let your cream go too long, it turns into butter and buttermilk. In a disappointed tone, I told everyone what I had done and we all had a good laugh after I explained that I struggle with trying to multitask too many things. My husband agreed and we all laughed some more. We had a great time of fellowship and thanks to our friends’ advice, we decided to give that whipped butter a try. I will admit that it was better than I expected, but next time I have people over and serve whipped cream, I’m not going to multitask it!

Have you ever multitasked and ended up with a disaster? We love to hear from you!