Wisdom From Dr. Mercola and a Great Solution to the Formula Shortage

“Fake food is being poised as a panacea to end world hunger and food shortages, but there’s nothing miraculous about synthetic, lab-made food. It can’t compare to food that comes from nature in terms of nutrition or environmental protection, and as we’re seeing with the mysterious infant formula shortages, when you’re dependent on fake food, your very survival is also dependent on the handful of companies that manufacture them.With parents getting desperate in the search for infant formula, it’s eye-opening that campaigns haven’t been started to encourage new mothers to breastfeed — the best food for infants and one that also happens to be free and readily available in most cases.”Dr. Mercola While breast milk is best for babies, if you are finding yourself in need of formula, the Weston Price Foundation offers a very nutrient dense, homemade baby formula. It was a great option for one of our babies after I was misled by the status quo. Without getting into any details, she thrived on it, and we didn’t have to worry about the horrible ingredients found in all infant formulas. Here is the recipe that we and many parents have used successfully.
