Week 4 The Benefits of Coconut Oil

If you are working toward a more traditional diet and would like to take small steps to get there, then you are at the right place. Week one was get your salt right, week 2 was get your sleep right, and week 3, 4, 5, and 6 are get your fats right.  Another fat that our family has added in the last several years is coconut oil. We started using coconut oil more for the health benefits than as replacement for a different fat.

Week 4: Learn about the benefits of coconut oil and start incorporating it into the diet.

A great book explaining the benefits of coconut oil is the book Eat Fat Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon. This book is, “Based on more than two decades of research by world-renowned biochemist and lipids expert Dr. Mary Enig.” She is convinced that obesity and the health crisis are related to the increased use of vegetable oils (soybean and corn) and sugar, and that saturated fats are essential for good health and weight loss.  This book has great programs for resetting your metabolism, boosting energy, decreasing fatigue, and fighting cravings and disease. It’s based on excellent scientific research and explains how the lipid hypothesis has not been scientifically proven and gets into some of the critical details that have been conveniently left out in the promotion of a low-fat diet.

There was a recent campaign out saying that coconut oil is killing us and Sally Fallon says, “It’s all part of that campaign. These people are paid to say this and are completely uneducated. There’s not a shred of evidence that coconut or coconut oil is associated with any kind of increased rates of heart disease or any other disease. In fact, there are many components of coconut oil that are extremely healthy and good for you.” Unfortunately, much of what is reported is more about money than it is about health, so we all need to be informed and do the best we can. We have witnessed many health benefits from using coconut oil, and I buy our organic coconut oil in bulk here. I may receive compensation for this recommendation if you haven’t ordered from this company before. I never recommend products I don’t love. Since what works for one person doesn’t always produce the same results in other people, I always recommend doing your own research and weighing the benefits and risks before trying something new. Have you tried coconut oil or do you plan to? Could you share some of the benefits you have witnessed in your own health if you have? We love hearing from you!