Week 25: Get the Toxins Out and Consider Having Your Mercury Fillings Safely Removed by a Biological Dentist

An observation I made while I was working with elderly patients in several care facilities as a CNA, in nurses training, and finally working as a Registered Nurse was that a lot of the patients I cared for had a lot of mercury fillings in their mouth and loved sugar (especially my younger patients). I remember many of these patients suffering with Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and MS. I didn’t think anything about it at the time, but now after all my research, I have to wonder if the outcome would have been different for those patients if their families would have focused on getting the toxins out (using holistic doctors and dentists) and nourishing them with a traditional, nutrient dense, highly digestible diet. I can tell you that doing this has made a significant difference in my own health, and I’m so excited to share this story with you.

Before I had my mercury filling removed by a biological dentist back in December of 2020, they did a mercury vapor test in my mouth. Basically, it tells how much mercury is being gassed off by your filling. When the results came back, the lady doing the test was shocked! She said, “I have never seen such a high reading in a patient.” A result of 23 micrograms or under is considered safe and my one small filling was reading over 700 micrograms! As I was sitting in that chair, I felt so thankful that I had traveled 7 1/2 hours one way to get there, and I also thought about the fact that I had almost cancelled my appointment.

As a child I was in and out of the doctor’s office frequently. One issue I struggled with was a very annoying cough. As I was playing detective and thinking back about all of my exposures and wondering what might have caused my health problems, I remembered that my cough started right about the time I had that filling done. That was right before the time we had discovered that I had five extra teeth in my mouth so I remember the timing well. Growing up I would go to the doctor and come home with steroids, antibiotics, and inhalers off an on. They seemed to work until the next episode. I learned to just live with this and didn’t think too much about it until I got pregnant. Pregnancy made my cough almost unbearable at times, but I had no desire to go back on any medications so I just suffered. With each pregnancy my symptoms continued to get worse. I couldn’t take being around fragrances, smoke, chemicals, cold air, and so much more. At the beginning of my third pregnancy I visited a lady doctor that so many people had praised. I explained my cough and showed her my left arm which was broke out and really sore. She spent a few minutes with me, wrote out a steroid prescription, asked if I was pregnant (I didn’t know I was), and went to exit the room. I asked her if she knew what was causing my symptoms and she looked annoyed. I can’t remember what she said, but basically it felt like, “Just take the medication and let me keep moving on.” I threw the prescription in the trash and went on suffering. Over the years I have visited several natural professionals, but nobody wanted to figure out the cause for my issues, everyone had a “treatment” to offer, and while I faithfully tried them, they didn’t do any good. One thing I knew for sure during this time was that when our family learned about the work of Dr. Weston Price shortly after my 3rd baby was born, we noticed that a lot of our health issues disappeared as we changed our diet. The more we changed as we prayed for wisdom daily, the better we felt. I was convinced that if those issues could heal, so could my cough.

The Covid Pandemic really opened my eyes to how annoying my cough could be.  Since Covid hit in the spring of 2020 I hated going anywhere (especially with everyone being so paranoid when you cough). And this wasn’t just a little cough. I would sit in church and could feel it coming. The fragrances in the room tickled my throat and nothing I did could stop it. It would last a few minutes and then be gone for a few hours. At home it would hit me an hour or two after eating and while nursing. If I didn’t eat a very restricted diet, I would cough all day and it was so bad that I would get sick. My mom begged me to see a doctor (she had experienced similar symptoms that caused precancerous cells in her esophagus). She even offered to pay, but after a lot of prayer, I had to refuse. I had tried that route in the past and each “medication” just caused extra health problems. I am convinced that had I gone the route of medication that it may have stopped the symptom, but I believe my body would have groaned and thrown out more symptoms (side effects) to tell me that something was seriously wrong and to FIX THE PROBLEM! I was literally being poisoned by mercury.

I had almost given up, but many stories kept resonating with me of people that had found healing from having mercury removed from their teeth. I had wanted to have mine removed for several years, but I couldn’t find anyone in my area. I knew it had to be done correctly or I would face mercury poisoning and potentially more health problems. A few weeks before my appointment, my cough got so bad that I knew I had to do something. I asked my husband if I could schedule an appointment with this dentist that was 7 ½ hours away. After some hesitation he worked it out so he could take me. We scheduled the appointment (a few days before Christmas 2020!), taught our kids how to milk the cow, and prayed for good weather. I woke up the night before we were to leave and decided I was going to cancel the appointment. “Why was I dragging my baby and husband 7 ½ hours away for something that probably wasn’t going to help?”  I prayed and was convinced I had to go. My husband agreed. While it was an exhausting trip, the weather was perfect for travelling and all went well! Praise the Lord!  

Since the mercury was removed, my cough has improved significantly. I have also been working on a gut healing program since that visit. I am slowly pulling toxins, correcting deficiencies, keeping a natural home, and eating highly digestible, nutrient dense foods.  I’m also not living on garlic anymore for the numbness on the right side of my body that got really bad after my 6th child was born. I will say the raw garlic completely eliminated the numbness, but wasn’t much fun to take. In the last few months, I have been slowly adding foods back to my diet that I haven’t eaten in years. While my cough is not completely healed, it has improved so much that my husband decided to have his two mercury fillings removed safely last week. Mine was much cheaper in Missouri, but his was closer in Omaha. If you are interested in what we paid, let me know and I will be happy to look it up. One thing we both experienced after the procedure was extreme fatigue for a few days. Other than that we were fine. We were excited that my husband didn’t have any cavities (I had shared how he healed cavities several years ago in a previous blog post).

I have been praying for wisdom daily for over six long years, and want to completely give God the glory and praise for the healing. Everything that I have done to improve my health has been things I didn’t want to do or was scared to do. It’s not easy to go against the status quo, and I’m sure some people reading might think I’m a fool, but if this helps even one person then praise the Lord! I am so thankful to my husband for all of his support and compassion (you are a true gift from God), my children that managed the farm for the first time while I visited the dentist and always loved and had compassion for me even when my cough was annoying, my mom for her patience and support, along with all the research she did, and especially for not judging me. I also want to thank my friend Becky Turner for listening to me, giving me suggestions, and not judging me. You are a dear friend! I’m especially thankful to my biological dentist for taking the road less travelled, for removing my toxic mercury filling safely, and for being so humble and kind. I wish his office were closer; I would happily visit it regularly. I am so thankful for dentists (especially since I was a processed food and sugar junkie in my early years and needed a lot of work!), but I do have to wonder why mercury fillings are still being used.

I am thankful for the suffering because it has given me more compassion for others. I know there will always be suffering, and I may never heaI completely, and I still praise the Lord. Dear friend, I do beg you to research health issues linked to mercury fillings. If you decide to have your mercury fillings removed, absolutely do NOT have a regular dentist do this, please see a biological dentist that takes adequate precautions to protect you, and only have one removed (or 2 if they are small) at a time. Do you have a story to share or will you be researching health problems related to mercury fillings? We LOVE to hear from you!