Week 10: Get Your Chicken Better

When you read a label on an organic chicken that states, “free-range or pastured” most of us will visualize chickens out on green grass enjoying the good life, but actually I have heard that the organic chickens raised for meat aren’t raised much different than the conventional model. Yes, they are given organic grain and free of toxins and antibiotics, so it is better. What most of us don’t realize is that organic chickens are still raised in a huge building that lacks sunshine (think vitamin D) and nutritious green plants and bugs to devour. Fresh air, sun, plants, and bugs create very nutritious and flavorful meat.

Truly pastured birds tend to be higher in iron, Omega 3, and much higher in antioxidants like vitamin E. I have observed that the birds are much healthier and content being rotated on pasture. When you see a chicken for sale, it’s important to know that the label “free range” simply means they aren’t in a cage and “pastured” means they have “access” to the outdoors (often through a little door with hopes that they won’t make it outside). Those quaint pictures on the labels are a bit deceitful. You will notice that if the birds are really rotated on pasture, the fat is more yellow than confinement chickens and they have more flavor. This week I encourage you to consider raising your own meat birds or find a good farmer to source clean, truly pastured chicken from. If you would like to help support us in what we are doing, we occasionally have truly pastured chickens for sale here. Eat Wild might be a good option to find a farmer too.

Have you eaten pastured chicken? We love to hear from you!

Our family has learned to slow down, make careful observations of what heals/damages, decrease modern distractions, take a little more time preparing our food, and most importantly to seek the Lord’s wisdom. It’s a daily struggle and it never goes perfectly, but we just keep trying to do the best we can. If you are working toward a more traditional, clean, whole foods diet and lifestyle, and would like to take small steps to get there, then you are at the right place. Week one was Get your Salt Right, week 2 was The Power of Water and we learned about removing toxins from our water in week 3, week 4 was Get Your Sleep Better, 5, 6, and 7 were Get Your Fats Better, we got our eggs better, and now we will be getting our meats better. Join us next Tuesday for Get Your . . . Better.