We Have to Stop Assaulting Our Kidneys

The energy drinks, listen to this, the energy drinks are the number one cause of all the young people that he has had to put on dialysis in the last 10 years, along with dark colored soda. Your kidneys can’t process them very well.

Christine Ashby

I heard this quote on the Lisa Bass podcast this morning. Christine Ashby was sharing a story about her mom and how she used to drink diet coke and monsters every day until it was discovered that her kidney function was declining. Her doctor was very concerned and shared this story after learning about her habits. After years of this addiction, she completely stopped these beverages. Her point was that if her mom could do it, anyone could do it.

As I was listening to this podcast and preparing breakfast, my husband walked through the kitchen on his way to milk and heard this quote. We both agreed that we were so thankful that we gave up all that junk years ago. It wasn’t easy at first, but now there’s no temptation for it. For energy we try to get to bed early and eat a highly nutrient dense, clean diet. Sounds simple, but it does take a lot of discipline, and we do struggle getting to bed some nights. I have also found that herbal tea usually boosts my energy when I’m tired. Yesterday, after lunch, I felt like I needed a nap, so I poured a cup of Kailey’s herbal tea, and within a short time, I felt a lot better. It’s not because this was stimulating like caffeine or sugar, but it was nourishing.

When it comes to kidney health, our modern food is really hard on the kidneys, as well as every other organ in our body. When we choose good quality ingredients and make things ourselves, our bodies know what to do with it. We can avoid processed salt, white sugar, all-purpose flour, and all the additives that go into cheap, processed foods.  Those foods and drinks are highly addictive and don’t fill us up like real food does.

What are some healthy drinks that you enjoy? We love to hear from you!!