We have had our new pigs for two weeks, and it’s time to introduce them! Because I wanted this to be a surprise, I didn’t tell anyone until right now. Except my son posted a video today here, so I guess the secret’s out! The Lord has put it on my heart to try to help save the Gloucester Old Spot from extinction. Please don’t ask me to pronounce that!
They were known for making the most out of farm excess, and their spots are said to be from apples falling from the orchard as they fattened up in orchards. They are supposed to produce a little more lard and bacon, so we will see. I don’t know what our future holds for these pigs, but I will keep you posted! I do know that Cory and I want to have a party when we have some meat to share!! Stay tuned.
I will say that so far I have been able to feed them from our farm and that has been so fun! My family laughs and calls them my children. Thanks to my mother-in-law, I didn’t burn down the house on Sunday cooking some food for them. Thanks Barb!! I was reminded of my cooking pot when our preacher started preaching about the prodigal son in Luke 15:16 “The son was so hungry that he wanted to eat the pods the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.” People probably wondered why I rushed out the doors with cell phone in hand.
If you are at the farm feel free to check them out, they will be headed to pasture soon once they are done in their training pen.
Have you heard of this heritage breed of pig? We love to hear from you!