Natural Relief of Ear Pain

After one of my kids received a very strong antibiotic by mistake over 15 years ago, and suffered many health challenges because of it, I have been determined to find natural solutions to our health problems. Even more important, I try to focus on prevention. I have used many natural solutions for earaches with success, and praise the Lord nobody has had to take any form of medicine since that time, but the onion trick seems to work right away where the other ones might take more work. This is now my go to right away as soon as someone has even a slight earache.

Using onion juice to heal ear pain was a trick I learned from Doc Jones over at the HomeGrown Herbalist several months ago. I have been waiting to share it until I tried it a few times. Now that we have, I will say that that this works better and faster than anything else we have used. I simply chop up about 1/4 of a large onion and squeeze it in a tea towel over a bowl. I used the food processor once, and this worked too. I place this into the painful ear, let it sit for about an hour, and then drain it. After it’s drained I encourage my child to use a hair dryer to get the ear very dry and wear a hat to protect the ear for a day or two. Each time we have done this it has resulted in no more pain almost right away. I let my kids listen to an audio book to make the time go fast. 

In order to prevent earaches, we all eat a nourishing traditional diet, and I try to encourage everyone to make sure that their ears get thoroughly dry after baths/showers, and protected from cool or cold air. I do want to say that I believe antibiotics have their place, but if I can find a way to help the body heal instead of go in and kill everything including the good bacteria, I’m going to pick natural route every time. This is just one of those tools in our toolbox that we use to prevent suffering and the need for antibiotics. Let food by thy medicine. 

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