Homemade Natural Nitrate/Nitrite Free Bacon

For years I have been researching about the history and the process of naturally curing pork, and I have done a lot of experimenting as well. My family has been happy to be my guinea pigs. One of the problems with our naturally cured bacon in the past was the fact that it was way too salty. We like salty bacon, but this was too much even for us. Lately I have really been praying for wisdom in this, and I believe that recently my eyes were opened to the fact that, thanks to freezers, I don’t have to hang this bacon from the ceiling when it’s done like they did in the old days. In other words we don’t have to get all the moisture out to prevent mold and spoilage due to room temperature storage. We can treat it like a fresh meat. This allows me to shorten up the cure time. Actually instead of cure, let’s simply call it an old-fashioned, salted pork belly, because technically we can’t call anything cured unless it uses commercial nitrates/nitrites. Even celery powder, a natural source of nitrites is not considered a “cure.” For most of history these commercial cures weren’t even used, but that’s a story for another day.

You might be thinking, “What about the risk of botulism? Isn’t that why we use the nitrites?” I have done a lot of research on this too, and I’m not convinced of the risk, but this is my own personal conviction. The owner of the Farmstead Meatsmith said something like this, I have never found a case of someone dying of botulism from meat. You can check him out here. He has a little different process that results in a saltier product, but many people love it. I do want to confess that I’m not an expert in this. I’m simply sharing what we do and why we do it. We live in a fallen world and there’s going to be risks with anything we produce or buy. I must only encourage you to pray and do your own research.

While we all need to weigh the risks/benefits of what we do, I’m comfortable with this process, because I’m not breaking any rules. First my fresh meat is kept in the refrigerator for five days, which is an acceptable time frame for fresh meat. Second, I either smoked this while it was cold like a refrigerator outside for several hours or in my commercial smoker which cooked the meat, or at least it did until my commercial smoker caught on fire (a little too much multi-tasking on my part). You can see our recent set-up in the picture below. We used dry maple wood. You definitely want to use a fruit wood or something that won’t make the product toxic if you are using your own wood.

The last bacon that I made for my family turned out fantastic, and I have to say that I found out today that it’s really important to follow all the recommendations in order to have an easy and delightful product. Leaving it even for a day too long or not freezing it long enough before slicing it could cause the bacon to be too salty or give you a headache as you fight to slice the belly. The process of making bacon naturally, taught me that having a good plan in place, and establishing a good routine helped the process to become easier each time. It also taught me that I don’t need expensive equipment to do this. The bacon that turned out the best was done over our fire pit and the belly was held up by several green mulberry sticks. While it does make it easier to have a meat slicer, many people use a knife. I plan to share more of this knowledge with you as time permits. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Have you made your own bacon?

Natural Homemade Bacon


  • 1/4 cup real maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup coarse salt
  • 5 pound pork belly


  • Cut your pork belly down to about 5 pound chunks. Rub the maple syrup all over the belly. Add chunky real salt or chunky Celtic salt to the entire piece of meat. Place in a Ziploc bag and place in your refrigerator for 5 days. You may want to put this in a pan in case it leaks. Make sure to flip this bag and rub it all over each day. After 5 days, remove the belly and rinse it off, then smoke it. We have done the smoking in a number of ways. We have cooked it in a smoker for several hours, and we have cold smoked it over our fire pit. In the fire pit we placed the fire on the opposite side of the belly, and in a way that the wind would blow the smoke on the belly. We found that 2 1/2 hours of smoking was plenty, but more might be better. Then we let it rest in the refrigerator covered for a day and the next day placed it in the freezer for 1 1/2 hours which made it really easy to slice. We cooked some up right away and the rest went into the freezer in Ziploc bags. We have plans to get a better set up, but we used what we had, and it all worked great. Some people skip the smoking and enjoy it that way too.

5 thoughts on “Homemade Natural Nitrate/Nitrite Free Bacon

  1. I recently bought uncured pork belly from a grocery store and was wondering how to make it more like bacon without the nitrates and chemicals. It doesn’t have the bacon smell or taste, but I’m trying to make it healthier, an maybe taste like bacon. Any thoughts?

    1. Hey Joy! We are still using this recipe here for our bacon. I pray for success in your adventure!

    1. We do a cold smoke. 🙂 Cold smoking temperatures are between 68 and 86 according to an Internet search. Let me know if you try it.

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