Homemade Natural Laundry Care

Avoid Toxic Chemicals and Fragrances and Save Money

1. Pre-Treat Stains right away with our natural soap bars (works great for hand washing items too).
2. Use a cold rinse cycle for clothes or socks containing dirt.
3. Use our homemade laundry soap recipe below.
4. Hang clothes to dry (great way to get outside, get a fresh outdoor scent, and save a little on the electric bill).


Laundry Soap Recipe

2-3 tsp. of grated soap

1 Tbsp. Borax

Vinegar to fill fabric softener dispenser

Directions: Add grated soap and borax to washer and fill the fabric softener dispenser full with vinegar. Wash according to your preference.

For greater efficiency in laundry chores we bought six trash cans, labeled them, and I taught everyone how to sort their own clothes into those cans. Everyone really listened when I stated that neglecting to follow the procedure would give them the pleasure of hanging out one load of clothes. I can dump this right into the washer and save a lot of time and displeasure of sorting clothes.