Do You Got The Right Balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6?

This is taken from the book Pasture Perfect by Jo Robinson. This is a great read. “Keeping Omega-6s and Omega-3s in Balance. Compared with grass, grain is very low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in omega 6 fatty acids, a competing type of fat. Both of these fats are essential for our health, which is why they are called “Essential Fatty Acids” or EFAs. As a general rule, however, omega-3s and omega-6s have opposite effects on your body. For example, foods high in omega-6 fatty acids promote blood clotting, while foods high in omega-3 fatty acids slow it down. Both properties are essential. After a serious injury, blood clots need to form immediately or you risk bleeding to death. But the rest of the time, your blood needs to flow freely. If your diet contains too many clot-promoting omega 6s and too few clot-busting omega-3s, there is the risk that an errant clot will develop inside your arteries, cut off the blood supply to your heart or brain, and trigger a heart attack or stroke. For optimum health, you need the right mix or ratio of EFAs.” One of the ways we can upset this balance is by taking the animals off the grass, but getting them on grass will help to bring back the right balance.