We love to answer questions and help our customers to obtain a more natural lifestyle! Feel free to give us a call, chat with us through email, or better yet, come take a tour of the farm! Be sure to join our weekly newsletter too so we can keep in touch more often. Our newsletter subrscribers will always be the first ones to hear about product availability and I love to share tips, tricks, and news from the farm! We are happy to answer any questions you may have and love encouragement too! I have heard from other business owners that they don’t always get these messages sent to their email, so I have taken off the plug in that is supposed to deliver these important messages directly to us. Sorry for the extra work, we simply don’t want to take a chance of not getting your email! We answer every email, so if there’s ever a time you don’t get a response from us, you can assume we didn’t get it. 🙂
Mentink Family Farms, 12574 P Road, Stromsburg NE 68666
Email: mentinkfamilyfarms@gmail.com