Farm Happenings

Week 4 Get Your Sleep Better

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 

~Benjamin Franklin

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel rested? A recent survey suggests that 65% of Americans rarely feel “rested or energized.” When we don’t get enough quality sleep at night it affects our disposition, energy, performance, and health, and our bodies aren’t able detoxify from the day’s assaults. When we look at the body as a whole, we can understand that the amount and the time when we are sleeping may not be the only reason we are not feeling “rested,” but it’s a great place to start.  

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How We Hand Milk On The Mentink Family Farm

Hey Friends! We have had a lot of people reach out to us over the years about sharing our homesteading skills. We are hoping to share more of what we are doing this year, Lord willing and as time allows. We are certainly not experts, but we have learned a lot through our mistakes. Hopefully you can learn from us, so you don’t have to make them.

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Frugal Tip: How to Afford and Store Good Quality Salt

Since we make almost all of our food from scratch, we go through a lot of salt! To save money I started buying our salt by the 25-pound bag. This bag lasts about 4 to 6 months in our large family. Salt will not go bad, but over time it can collect moisture (especially if it’s not stored properly) and may get clumps in it. This is why a lot of companies add unnatural anti-caking agents to their salt. One of the reasons we use Redmond’s, Celtic, or Himalayan salt is because they don’t add anticaking agents.

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Week 1 “Get Your Salt Better”

Most of us have been taught that all salt is bad for us, and I used to believe it. The more I learn though, the more I realize that chemical laden, processed salt is harmful, but natural salt like Celtic, Himalayan, and Real Salt are good and necessary. The salt that most of us are familiar with (white table salt) has been stripped of most of its minerals (besides sodium and chloride). One of the minerals that is removed is potassium, which can protect our bodies from potentially negative effects of excess sodium by helping the kidneys process it more efficiently. White table salt also contains unhealthy additives like sugary dextrose, anti-caking agents, and bleaching compounds.

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Coming Soon! Get Your . . . Better

For over ten years I have welcomed people out to our farm and had many conversations with others over the phone and through email, because they had heard or seen what we were doing and they wanted to learn more. In order to help more people, I started “Get Your . . . Right” back in 2022. I shared a lot of the changes we have made in the last several years to improve our health, energy, focus, and flavor of our food. The feedback from this has been better than I expected.

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