Farm Happenings

Homemade Season Salt

Homemade Season Salt

Most seasoning salts contain MSG a known neurotoxin (toxic to the nervous system), irradiated spices, and other harmful preservatives. The key to this recipe is purchasing good quality, organic spices. We relish the savings and flavor of Azure Standard’s spices. We added Rosemary since it has been shown to break up the potentially cancer causing compounds that can form when meat is cooked (especially grilled meats).  We love this season salt for steaks (esoecially pork chops), hamburgers, and potatoes. In the past we purchased Redmonds Organic Seasoning Salt which is a great option for convenience. Redmond’s product does not contain Rosemary. Continue reading “Homemade Season Salt”

Homemade Natural Laundry Care

Avoid Toxic Chemicals and Fragrances and Save Money

1. Pre-Treat Stains right away with our natural soap bars (works great for hand washing items too).
2. Use a cold rinse cycle for clothes or socks containing dirt.
3. Use our homemade laundry soap recipe below.
4. Hang clothes to dry (great way to get outside, get a fresh outdoor scent, and save a little on the electric bill).

Continue reading “Homemade Natural Laundry Care”

Happenings On Mentink Famiy Farms in April 2018







Almost overnight work on the farm went from a relaxed, busy pace to a brisk hustle. Along with the routine work, the birth of our calf added the chore of milking twice a day. We feel blessed to have good quality dairy again and yellow butter (even though our cow is not on pasture yet). We have also been planting trees, seeds, and plants, along with the continued projects on our house. At the end of the day we are ready for a good night sleep.  We are also thankful to own land to grow good quality, clean food for ourselves and others.

April started more like winter than spring on the farm with a light dusting of snow and frigid temperatures. Many of the days in April were below the average temperature. We delayed planting our early crops like potatoes, broccoli, and cabbage until the later part of the month. With all the work indoors, I barely noticed the weather. Usually at the end of February I feel as though I can’t wait until spring, but this year has felt different. I have enjoyed the time inside as we anticipate a very busy growing season. As the busyness starts, we are thankful we have dedicated so much time to planning, organizing, and preparing. Despite our own plans, I know there will be struggles and hardships along the way. It’s always easier to look back and see why we have to endure them as they teach us patience, compassion for others, humility, and perseverance.

Continue reading “Happenings On Mentink Famiy Farms in April 2018”

Ham and Bean Soup

Ever wonder what to do with those cured ham hocks? I used to just throw them to the dog until I discovered ham and bean soup. The key to excellent flavor is sourcing good quality pasture raised pork. The nourishing bone stock is the most important step in making this soup.  Properly prepared stocks are high in nutrients and contain collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphates, and amino acids. They were a staple in traditional kitchens and they are quickly gaining in popularity again. Make this inexpensive soup any time, but especially on those cold winter days while you await spring! Continue reading “Ham and Bean Soup”

Benefits of Our Pastured Meats


Did you know that pastured meats contain more nutrients and have less fat and calories than meat from grain fed animals? As we grow our beyond organic, pasture based farm, we continue to see the benefits of a pasture based system. We have reaped the health benefits and relish the testimonies of our customers’ health stories and compliments on flavor, texture, and even the smell of the meat.  As our family reads the Bible, and we look into sustainable animal husbandry practices of the past along with God’s design in nature, we see very similar systems.  Because we live in a fallen world, we will never enjoy perfect health for ourselves or for our animals, but by seeking God’s wisdom, we believe we can improve the quality of life for ourselves and our customers, as well as our animals. With chronic diseases and cancer rates soaring, contaminated water becoming the norm, increased antibiotic resistance, and wildlife suffering, we must stop and ponder, “What has changed with our food, environment, and lifestyles that could potentially be to blame?” Continue reading “Benefits of Our Pastured Meats”

Happenings on the Mentink Family Farm in March 2018

Spring is a time of new life on our farm. We all enjoy the birth of new animals and look forward to caring for new babies, spending more time outside, garden produce, flowers, and green pastures. Today is a cloudy, cool spring day. We had a nice shower overnight and the grass is beginning to green up. There is excitement as we think about what we will be planting and the projects we hope to accomplish. We are constantly praying and seeking guidance and wisdom. Spring is a time when we set very high goals and sometimes think we can accomplish more than our time allows. Unfortunately, something always suffers in the heat of the summer, but each year seems to improve. Continue reading “Happenings on the Mentink Family Farm in March 2018”

Family Traditions

By Angie Mentink

A Thanksgiving tradition that our family embraced several years ago is to take the day before Thanksgiving off of school and prepare food for the next day. I relish this time with our children working side by side in the kitchen, listening to music, and thinking of the great food that will be enjoyed by many, along with the numerous undeserved blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. Continue reading “Family Traditions”

Gathering in the Harvest and Baby Number 7 Arrives!

By Angie Mentink

We enjoyed a leisurely walk to the dam on Sunday afternoon. After about an hour of visiting, skipping rocks, relaxing, soaking up the sun, and taking advantage of the pleasant temperatures a strong north wind began to blow. We decided we better head home quickly. As we were walking briskly, watching the leaves whirling far distances from the trees, it occurred to all of us that winter was near. The summer flew by faster than any summer in the past and none of us feel ready for the cooler temperatures. The kids do Continue reading “Gathering in the Harvest and Baby Number 7 Arrives!”

Summertime on the Farm

By Alena Mentink

Inside our house, everything is cool and quiet. The shades are pulled down, the fans are swirling, and only a couple of lights are on. Although we rarely run the air conditioner, by blocking the sun and keeping the air moving with the help of a few fans, the house stays nice and cool (at least by our standards). However, as soon as we step outside the door, we realize that summer is indeed here. Continue reading “Summertime on the Farm”