Farm Happenings

Are We Really Free?

Our family has really enjoyed the book Heinrich to Henry by a local author named Marie Kramer as told by Henry Cramer. This is a true story about a German who immigrated to America after World War 2. I have felt very led to share this quote from the book. “We in America enjoy unparalleled freedoms. People here complain that the governments is slowly eroding these freedoms. It is not true. The people, rather, are giving away their freedoms by taking hand-outs from the government. By similar methods, Hitler bought the freedom away from his people. The communists continue to be oppressive. They take everything from everyone and promise each a fair share in the redistribution. But it doesn’t happen that way, and people lose their incentive to work if they can’t enjoy the fruits of their labor.”

When I contacted our local senator requesting more freedom for us meat providers that were having trouble getting our animals into a USDA processing plant, I received this predesignated reply generated by a software program about how the government had given money to all these different needs. I wish I could share the email, but I cleaned out my email and it must have been trashed. Since you can’t reply to these emails, I started the process a few more times trying to explain that we were not asking for a handout, we were simply asking for freedom to sell our product in a way that we know is equally safe. We believe that many of the rules in place are not about food safety, but about certain groups controlling the market. I didn’t hear back, but I have been diligently praying and trying to be a nuisance to our representatives, and thankfully, I’m not the only one. Tomorrow I will share some exciting news that I heard yesterday. Imagine the possibilities if we actually had a free market where two consenting, informed adults could trade? Do you believe we have a free market?

Wisdom Wednesday and Eight Things

I shared eight things I wish people would have told me when I was in high school in a recent presentation. I will be sharing one each week.

1. Don’t choose your path in life according to someone else’s desires or because of fear of what people think of you. Have you ever ventured down that path less travelled and realized that you wouldn’t be on it if you had lived your life according to what someone else expected you to be or do? I probably wouldn’t be doing most of the things I am doing today if I were worried about what people thought. This glorious path is filled with struggles and hardships but there is great joy as I walk along. Thankfully my joy is in Lord.

Looking Forward!

I remember sitting through my first Nourishing Traditions class back in 2008. I was so excited about the information, because for the first time in my life, the nutrition plan made a lot of sense! This hasn’t been a fad diet for us, it’s been a way of life that has produced greater health than we were experiencing before. We still get sick, but I do believe there is a lot less suffering in our family. I do remember feeling a little overwhelmed at the start, but I remember that my instructor broke it down into small steps we could take in order to make these changes. Every Monday I’m going to share one simple tip to get you closer to eating a clean, nutrient dense, highly digestible diet. Nothing in this life is perfect and I can’t say that this a good plan for you, and we all need to do our own research and weigh the risks and benefits, but if you would like to learn more, make sure to check into our website or this Facebook page next Monday for the first tip. In the meantime, some good resources are the Weston Price Foundations website, The Healthy Home Economist website, and these two books Nourishing Traditions and Eat Fat Lose Fat by Sally Fallon to name a few. I hope you can get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Protecting Against Cancer

“Foods from healthy animals contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and contribute to good health. Vitamin A: Strengthens the immune system. Essential for mineral metabolism and endocrine function. Helps detoxify. True vitamin A is found only in animal foods such as cod liver oil, fish and shellfish; and liver, butter and egg yolks from pasture-fed animals. Traditional diets contained ten times more vitamin A than the typical modern diet.” Quoted from the Weston Price Foundation. Many people fear vitamin A today because of a study done on synthetic vitamin A that showed harmful side effects. What we need to realize is that getting vitamin A from food is much different than taking a supplement. Vitamins work synergistically with one another so taking a single vitamin can really confuse the body and may cause a deficiency with another vitamin. I always look to food for my vitamins and minerals because they are more easily assimilated and I don’t have to worry about getting too much of just one. For example if I want to increase my zinc, I know that lamb is an excellent source and when I needed more B vitamins because of an irregular heart beat in my baby during pregnancy, I started eating liver which I hated and now I crave. Do you have foods that really nourish you and provide energy and vitality? We would love to hear from you!

Do You Got The Right Balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6?

This is taken from the book Pasture Perfect by Jo Robinson. This is a great read. “Keeping Omega-6s and Omega-3s in Balance. Compared with grass, grain is very low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in omega 6 fatty acids, a competing type of fat. Both of these fats are essential for our health, which is why they are called “Essential Fatty Acids” or EFAs. As a general rule, however, omega-3s and omega-6s have opposite effects on your body. For example, foods high in omega-6 fatty acids promote blood clotting, while foods high in omega-3 fatty acids slow it down. Both properties are essential. After a serious injury, blood clots need to form immediately or you risk bleeding to death. But the rest of the time, your blood needs to flow freely. If your diet contains too many clot-promoting omega 6s and too few clot-busting omega-3s, there is the risk that an errant clot will develop inside your arteries, cut off the blood supply to your heart or brain, and trigger a heart attack or stroke. For optimum health, you need the right mix or ratio of EFAs.” One of the ways we can upset this balance is by taking the animals off the grass, but getting them on grass will help to bring back the right balance.