Farm Happenings

Wisdom Wednesday and Eight Things

I shared eight things I wish people would have told me when I was in high school in a recent presentation. I will be sharing number seven today.

  • The greatest reason that businesses fail is lack of capital. Start small with no debt.

I’m going to be completely honest; our family didn’t start raising animals or making skin care products with a business plan in mind. These businesses just sort of happened because people saw what we were doing and asked us to sell them products that we had gifted to them, witnessed how were raising our animals, or tasted and smelled the difference of our food products. I’m a terrible business person and accountant, and I have learned how hard it is to make a profit in a business. I’m also learning that I’m not alone. About half of all businesses fail by the fifth year.

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Need Some Travelling Ideas?

A few weeks ago, our family took a trip to the Hastings Museum. The most important goal of the day was actually to pick up some seeds from Green Cover Seeds, but since I like to multitask and get the most out of one trip (just ask my husband) ? we stopped at the Museum on our way. I had planned to do more, but maybe I’m learning that you can’t do everything in one day! Ha!

I get asked by a lot of people how we travel and still eat. Is there somewhere we like to eat out or do we bring our own? To be honest the last time we ate somewhere was over a year ago. I figure we eat out about once or twice a year. I am always disappointed in the quality of the food and have discovered that everyone feels better if I just bring all of our food and water. Here are some helpful ideas if you would like to start bringing your own food places.

Thanks Kailey Mentink for taking this amazing picture at the Museum!
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The Chicks Have Arrived!

There is always a lot of excitement in our house when the box of chicks comes through the front door. Little ones run to be the first one to hold the baby chicks, and they each enjoy holding them before they are put out in their temporary home. Spring has arrived and the work will be increasing on the farm. The work is fun and rewarding and we love getting outside more often. Aiden and the little ones helped to get the chicks’ room cozy and warm with heat lamps, clean wood chips, feed, and clean water. Each chick is dipped in the water to teach them where to drink, and they are monitored several times throughout the first day. You can watch a quick 30 second video that Aiden created this morning here. Since all of our chickens got reserved the first day we announced them, we have ordered another large amount for the fall. Stay tuned! Do you love chicken?

Investing in People

I’m skipping my “Eight Things” today in order to share a heart-warming story I read today. If you have a minute, I know you won’t regret reading this amazing story! I need to do so much better in investing in people! Please click her to read Joel Salatin’s blog post Inmate to Love here.

Week 4 The Benefits of Coconut Oil

If you are working toward a more traditional diet and would like to take small steps to get there, then you are at the right place. Week one was get your salt right, week 2 was get your sleep right, and week 3, 4, 5, and 6 are get your fats right.  Another fat that our family has added in the last several years is coconut oil. We started using coconut oil more for the health benefits than as replacement for a different fat.

Week 4: Learn about the benefits of coconut oil and start incorporating it into the diet.

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