This week I’m encouraging myself and you to consider using turmeric. To be honest I have had a hard time incorporating this spice into my recipes. I have a few that we enjoy, but I would really like to use it more. Turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. We usually take turmeric for inflammation in a capsule form that has black pepper combined with it for increased benefits. I currently buy these, but I’m planning to make my own soon. I highly recommend doing some research on this amazing herb! There’s been a lot of studies done on the benefits, as well as some precautions, you will want to consider.
Continue reading “Week 11 Last week of Get Your Spices Right”Farm Happenings
Wisdom Wednesday
“The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.” Proverbs 20:29
Continue reading “Wisdom Wednesday”Thank You!
On this Memorial Day, our family at Mentink Family Farms, would like to say thank you to all the men and women that have served our country. The more history that I read, the more grateful I become for their sacrifice. I am so thankful for the freedoms that we have in our country, and I pray that we will continue to have them in the days to come. My husband heard this somewhere last week and shared it with me. The person said, “Next time someone tells you to, “Stay safe,” respond with, “Stay free.” In the past powerful people have used fear to get people to submit to their will. We have no reason for fear or anxiety.
1 Peter 2:16 “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”
We will be back next week with our weekly Get Your . . . Right
The Truth
“Most people follow their doctor’s advice under the assumption that conventional medicine is the only method proven by science and that everything else is not.
But here’s the truth…
There is just as much science to support natural, non-toxic approaches to healing disease. And the “proof” used to get drugs approved comes from studies conducted by drug companies that often fail when the studies are attempted by third parties.”
Meanwhile, there are THOUSANDS of independent studies showing that diet and lifestyle therapies and many so-called “alternative” medicines (that your doctor wasn’t taught in med school and isn’t allowed to prescribe) are superior to drugs for chronic health conditions, because they don’t just treat symptoms, they help your body reverse disease.”
Dr. Z
So Much Happening on the Farm
As I was doing my daily walk through our pastures and gardens today, it occurred to me that we are already at the end of May. We are feeling a little pressure to get a few projects done in time, but I have to remind myself that everything gets done and worrying won’t do any good. The days fly so quickly that I’m convinced that it is only by God’s grace that everything is getting done (sometimes just in time).
I was reminded recently of how precious life is after my husband cut up his knee while he was removing branches from cedar trees and the chain saw slipped. After hearing the story, I was so thankful he was okay and realized it could have been much worse. It was very sore, but nothing too serious. Praise the Lord! It was a good reminder that things can happen fast, to always think safety, and to cherish every day because there are no guarantees. My husband told me that he will be buying some chaps for future cutting. I didn’t even know anything like that existed.
Continue reading “So Much Happening on the Farm”