Farm Happenings

Wisdom Wednesday: “In food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative.” Hippocrates

I received a phone call from a good friend several months ago. During our discussion she confessed that she was really struggling. She had been very tired and her stomach hadn’t been feeling right for a few weeks. She said she was really thinking about seeing a doctor. I listened, told her I would pray for wisdom for her, and felt led to share my story about my healing journey. She said she would like try some of the herbal tea that I had been using for years to provide energy (especially during my last two pregnancies). I happily offered to bring her some. I always use raspberry leaves and then add whatever I have in my cupboard. This time it was licorice root (which is not recommended if you one is on heart medicine). We sent enough for several days, and I didn’t expect to hear back from her. I was really surprised when a few days later, she called with great excitement and claimed her stomach felt so much better and her energy was back to normal. She also said she was planning to start making her own. These stories always thrill me, and it reminds me of God’s grace and His amazing gift of plants as medicine.

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Week 16 Get Your Sweetener Right

I recently read that during the pandemic the number of type 2 diabetes cases in children increased by 182%. As Joel Salatin often says, “Folks this aint normal.” The great news is that we are wonderfully made, and Lord willing, with the proper nutrition, sleep, exercise, and keeping stress low, I believe many people can experience the power of healing. I have witnessed this in myself and so many others. We don’t have to live in constant fear that we are helpless to our genetics. We live in a fallen world and will never experience perfect health, but most of us understand that certain habits are more damaging than others, and I believe getting our sweeteners right is a critical piece to bringing back the health of our culture.

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Wisdom Wednesday: Always Do Your Own Research, Read Both Sides of a Subject, and Don’t Trust Anyone, Including Me.

Back in the mid-1800s a man by the name of Dr Semmelweis used his power of observation to discover why women were dying of puerperal fever in a maternity ward staffed with male doctors and medical students at a rate of 5 times higher, compared to women delivering with midwives, in another ward in the same hospital. After trying a few different approaches, and a lot of frustration, he hypothesized that cadaver parts were getting left behind on the hands of the doctors that were doing autopsies and they were then infecting the patients. He ordered everyone to start washing their hands before working with women, and the child bed fever dropped dramatically. You would think everyone would have been thrilled, but they weren’t. Doctors were actually upset that he made them look bad, and eventually dropped the handwashing again for a time.

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Week 14 Get Your Sweetener Right

There are many options for sweeteners on the market today, and for some reason, many of us assume that if something is on the market, then it’s been proven to be safe. I used to believe the same thing, but I don’t anymore. The truth is, we live in a fallen world, and sometimes profits are put ahead of public health.

Aspartame is one of those products that has gained in popularity over the years as a replacement for sugar, but many people believe it’s worse than sugar. I have a few friends that recovered from some pretty significant health problems by ditching their diet soda, and I have been trying to spread this message ever since. According to the Weston Price Foundation “ASPARTAME, the artificial sweetener in NutraSweet® and Equal®, is toxic to the nervous system. When digested, it breaks down into methanol and formaldehyde, both poisons. Aspartame can cause headaches, seizures, brain cancer, nervous disorders and damaged vision. Even though aspartame is touted for weight loss, in animal studies aspartame caused weight gain.”

For a short time in high school, I drank diet soda, but after hearing how detrimental it had been to some people’s health, I quit. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have any ideas for a replacement for diet soda. I am very content drinking my water, herbal tea, and in the last two weeks, raw milk. Maybe you could share a healthy alternative that uses natural sweeteners. We love to hear from you!

If you are working toward a more traditional, clean, whole foods diet, and would like to take small steps to get there, then you are at the right place. Week one was get your salt right, week 2 was get your sleep right, weeks 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were get your fats right, we had several weeks about seasonings and herbs, and we are now getting our sweeteners right. Join us next Tuesday for Get Your . . . Right.

Fun Farm Fact:

Geese have been used throughout history as “guardians.” We added two male Chinese geese to our farm this spring. They are supposed to be the best guards. According to Myers Hatchery this breed of geese, “Obtained the nickname “swan goose” because of its elegant long graceful neck. White Chinese geese are frosted white and have a prominently raised knob and orange feet. They are prolific egg layers with a great personality. This is a very talkative breed that makes a great guard goose. They are perfect for alarming when intruders are near or when they feel threatened. Due to their small stature, White Chinese geese also make great weeders.”

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