Every year there is an increase in consumers demanding GMO free meats. Meaning the animals are never fed GMO grains. We are bombarded with “experts” telling us that what animals eat has no effect on our health when we eat that meat, but I along with many other people don’t believe that lie anymore. There are too many stories of healing out there. Our health has improved significantly over the years as we have slowly changed our diet. I’m close to healing my last health issue that I have had since I was little. I thought I would have to suffer with it for the rest of my life. I can only say praise the Lord for opening our eyes! If you dig enough you will find so much truth that it will shock you. Here is one example of the fraud from the Weston Price Foundation.
Memos made public from a lawsuit reveal that the consensus among FDA scientists in the early 1990s was that GMOs were inherently unsafe and could lead to toxins, allergens, new diseases and nutritional problems. They urged their superiors to require long-term safety studies before any GM foods were allowed on the market. But the political appointee in charge of FDA policy was the former attorney of the biotech giant Monsanto and later the company’s vice president. The scientists’ warnings were ignored and today the FDA does not require a single safety study on GM foods.
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