Farm Happenings

Week 22 Get Your Meats Right

Every year there is an increase in consumers demanding GMO free meats. Meaning the animals are never fed GMO grains. We are bombarded with “experts” telling us that what animals eat has no effect on our health when we eat that meat, but I along with many other people don’t believe that lie anymore. There are too many stories of healing out there. Our health has improved significantly over the years as we have slowly changed our diet. I’m close to healing my last health issue that I have had since I was little. I thought I would have to suffer with it for the rest of my life. I can only say praise the Lord for opening our eyes! If you dig enough you will find so much truth that it will shock you. Here is one example of the fraud from the Weston Price Foundation.

Memos made public from a lawsuit reveal that the consensus among FDA scientists in the early 1990s was that GMOs were inherently unsafe and could lead to toxins, allergens, new diseases and nutritional problems. They urged their superiors to require long-term safety studies before any GM foods were allowed on the market. But the political appointee in charge of FDA policy was the former attorney of the biotech giant Monsanto and later the company’s vice president. The scientists’ warnings were ignored and today the FDA does not require a single safety study on GM foods.

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Wisdom Wednesday

I remember a mini-Paradigm Shift I experienced one Sunday morning on a subway in New York. People were sitting quietly — some reading newspapers, some lost in thought, some resting with their eyes closed. It was a calm, peaceful scene. Then suddenly, a man and his children entered the subway car. The children were so loud and rambunctious that instantly the whole climate changed.

It was difficult not to feel irritated. I could not believe that he could be so insensitive to let his children run wild like that and do nothing about it, taking no responsibility at all. It was easy to see that everyone else on the subway felt irritated, too. So finally, with what I felt was unusual patience and restraint, I turned to him and said, “Sir, your children are really disturbing a lot of people. I wonder if you couldn’t control them a little more?

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Week 21 Get Your Meats Right

There is a lot of debate about whether pork should be consumed or not. Some people claim that pork is unclean and should be completely avoided, some believe it’s fine, others believe that as long as it is properly raised it’s great, and finally there are those that believe that as long as it is properly raised and prepared it is healthy. I have looked into the research, and I’m going to be completely honest, I don’t know if pork is “healthy.” I have spent a lot of time in prayer over this issue, and I feel complete peace about raising and eating pork (I haven’t always). I only eat our pork that is raised on pasture, and we don’t eat pork every day. This week I’m going to encourage you to research this subject yourself, pray for wisdom, and consider that not all pork is created equal. If you haven’t tried pastured pork, I really believe that you will notice a difference in the flavor, juiciness, and lack of bad smells.

If you choose to eat pork, there are so many reasons to buy beyond organic, pastured pork from a local source, including but not limited to environmental reasons, health reasons, flavor, promoting local economies, and animal welfare. I highly encourage people to source pork locally, because you can visit the farm and encourage your neighbors. With all the fraud, you will know what country your pork is being raised and processed in. China controls the hog market with 60 percent of the production and they supply the US. I don’t know about you, but I don’t trust China. That’s a subject for another day.

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Kudzu: The Vine That Ate the South

By: Cory Mentink

Cory shared this story with me the other day, and I asked if he would be willing to share it as a blog post. I think this is a great example of how we can look to the past for solutions instead of always looking for a “treatment.” This is also a good example of how government incentives can have dire consequences and how their “solutions” to the problems they create can have even more ramifications. Below is the story he wrote.

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Can We Believe the American Heart Association?

The American Heart Association was formed in 1924 and didn’t become well known until 1948 when the maker of Crisco (Proctor and Gamble) gave them over a million dollars related to a Proctor and Gamble sponsored radio contest. Interestingly, they started promoting Crisco as being heart healthy after this time. In other words, the American Heart Association started calling cholesterol bad when the companies selling vegetable oils started to make donations. The organization grew quickly with this support and they even used President Eisenhower’s heart attack in 1955 to put fear in the American people. They suggested that the reason for his heart attack was all the butter he had eaten. They neglected to mention that he was a chain smoker. The process of hydrogenation was introduced in 1911 and heart disease (although rare before this) has been on the increase since that time.

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Wisdom Wednesday

When the government puts its stamp on something, whether it’s meat or eggs or herbicides, it simply means that enough corporate political clout came to bear at some time to buy regulatory approval.  That’s all it means.  And big business can whistle with their sales and profits to the bank, feeling secure and smug in their “Approved” status. 

Joel Salatin

Wisdom Wednesday

 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2: 3-4