Farm Happenings

Another Health Testimony About Mercury Removal Benefits

I received this response from my friend/customer, September, and asked her if I could share it. She said yes, and that she hopes it blesses someone.

Good info about the mercury, one of the key things is to have it removed properly, if not you could make things way worse if done wrong.  Lewis and I had ours removed about 8 years ago by a Biological Dentist in California.  Lewis had a bad back and psoriasis.  He had one tooth that was drilled and filled with gold then they put a silver crown over it, why I don’t know, he also had a number of silver fillings.  When she took that crown off it was corroded, kind of green looking….gross!!!!  The next day the psoriasis was gone and never came back and his back is fine!!!  

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Mad as a Hatter

Have you ever heard the saying “Mad as a Hatter?” I recently learned that the saying came from a time in the 18th and 19th centuries, when worker safety was not considered as important as it is today. Workers were using mercury in the hat-making industry to turn small animals into felt for hats. After prolonged exposure those people working with mercury started to develop a variety of physical and mental problems like tremors in the hands and speech and metal problems, hence the name “Mad as a Hatter.”

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Wisdom Wednesday

“Mercury is so poisonous that it and metal dental filling materials are known to cause birth defects, chronic fatigue, indigestion, leukemia, hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia, seizures, arthritis, Bell’s palsy, allergies, and multiple sclerosis. Mercury fillings are banned in many countries including Sweden, Germany, and Japan.

Despite this evidence, and volumes more about the extreme danger of mercury in the body, the code of ethics of the American Dental Association specifically prohibits dentists from telling patients to remove their mercury fillings because mercury is toxic.

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Week 25: Get the Toxins Out and Consider Having Your Mercury Fillings Safely Removed by a Biological Dentist

An observation I made while I was working with elderly patients in several care facilities as a CNA, in nurses training, and finally working as a Registered Nurse was that a lot of the patients I cared for had a lot of mercury fillings in their mouth and loved sugar (especially my younger patients). I remember many of these patients suffering with Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and MS. I didn’t think anything about it at the time, but now after all my research, I have to wonder if the outcome would have been different for those patients if their families would have focused on getting the toxins out (using holistic doctors and dentists) and nourishing them with a traditional, nutrient dense, highly digestible diet. I can tell you that doing this has made a significant difference in my own health, and I’m so excited to share this story with you.

Before I had my mercury filling removed by a biological dentist back in December of 2020, they did a mercury vapor test in my mouth. Basically, it tells how much mercury is being gassed off by your filling. When the results came back, the lady doing the test was shocked! She said, “I have never seen such a high reading in a patient.” A result of 23 micrograms or under is considered safe and my one small filling was reading over 700 micrograms! As I was sitting in that chair, I felt so thankful that I had traveled 7 1/2 hours one way to get there, and I also thought about the fact that I had almost cancelled my appointment.

Continue reading “Week 25: Get the Toxins Out and Consider Having Your Mercury Fillings Safely Removed by a Biological Dentist”

Wisdom Wednesday:

Philippians 4: 6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

I love this time of year! We are surrounded by abundance, I’m feeling incredibly thankful, the stifling heat is disappearing, and fragrant apples and spices permeate the house. We have been blessed by wonderful friends and family that have given us so much more than we deserve, but lately I have really had to focus on this Bible verse. Sometimes when work is piling up, so much needs to be harvested, the weeds are still appearing, everything needs to be watered, school needs to be accomplished, and the house isn’t as orderly as I prefer, I start feeling overwhelmed wondering how I’m going to get it all done. I have found that stopping and praying and thinking about this verse gives me extraordinary peace. I also remember a good friend’s advice from her grandma that had a large family. When asked how she was able to get everything done without feeling overwhelmed, she said simply, “I just kept doing the next thing.” Life is filled with struggles and it never goes perfectly, but I keep my eyes on Jesus and just keeping doing the next thing. How about you? We love to hear from you!

We Need Your Help Please!

The Covid Pandemic revealed how vulnerable the food system was and still is. Praise be to God, Nebraska passed a bill that allows more freedom to small meat producers and farmers, but actions by our federal government may put this new freedom at risk. You see when big businesses start losing money to smaller businesses, they like to pass laws that make it more difficult for others to compete.

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Wisdom Wednesday: Children Are a Blessing

“The Bible says children are a blessing; our culture says children are a blight. The Bible says you are blessed if you have lots of children; our culture says you are cursed if you have lots of children. Even worse, our culture believes people are foolish and/or sinful if they have lots of children. The question is, how much influence will we allow the culture to have on the way we view this issue? . . . Do you really believe that children are a heritage or blessing from the Lord?”

Voddie Baucham Jr.

Quote of the Week

Few consumers realize that many producers of “organic” or “naturally raised” animal products, raise their animals in confinement and feed them grain—just like the operators of conventional feedlots. Feeding large amounts of grain to a grazing animal decreases the nutritional value of its products whether the grain is organic or conventionally raised. The reason is simple. Compared with grass, grain has far fewer omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.(1) Therefore, grainfed animals have fewer of these important nutrients in their meat and dairy products. Grainfeeding also interferes with the creation of a cancer-fighting fight called conjugated linoleic acid or CLA.(2) I A test by an independent lab determined that milk from one of the largest organic grain-fed dairies had no more omega-3 fatty acids or CLA than milk from ordinary dairies. Similarly, meat from organic grain-fed beef has the same nutritional profile as meat from the largest Kansas feedlot.

You can read the rest of the article here at the Eat Wild Website