Last week I shared my recipe that I love for polishing, and today I will be sharing my dusting spray recipe that I use often. My kids love to help dust and especially to use this spray. The only problem is they often use more than I would. A little supervision is always good. The great things about this recipe are the natural ingredients, and the fact that we don’t feel bad when we use it. It also contains ingredients that most of us have in our homes, and it’s a very frugal option. An observation that I have made with this dusting spray is that it doesn’t seem to attracts dust like the store bought sprays that I used to use, which means less dusting for me! Because of the vinegar and essential oils in this recipe, I like to use a amber glass bottle, but I have used plastic bottles too.
Continue reading “Homemade Toxic Free Dusting Spray”Farm Happenings
Homemade Toxic Free Wood Polish
Until my grandma introduced me to polishing wood, I didn’t even know it was something people did. I couldn’t believe the difference it made when she started polishing some of my wood in my old house just for fun. She was so generous in helping me with numerous projects and taught me a lot about cleaning. I never felt like my house was clean enough when she would stop by, but she would always humbly say, “My house was far from perfect when I had kids.” I’m not sure I believe it, but it was very kind of her to say.
I used to do a lot of dusting and polishing at our old place, but since we have moved, and our house is better sealed, I don’t have to do near as much. As I shared here, I threw out my toxic dusting spray and polish, and quit using my “natural” dusting spray a few years ago. Then I started experimenting with homemade recipes. I have tried a lot of different combinations, but this is my favorite recipe for polishing wood. I do this a few times a year and then use a homemade dusting spray in between that. Lord willing, I will share this before our Get the Toxins Out . . . is up. This polish is so simple to make with just 3 ingredients, and I never feel bad after I use it. The ingredients include juice from one lime (or lemon), olive oil, and vinegar. Sometimes I will add a few drops of essential oil to the mix too. I recently learned that you can add orange, lemon, or lime peels to vinegar and let it sit for two weeks to take away the “vinegar” smell. I use distilled vinegar a lot, and I look forward to trying this in the future and will share my results.
Chicken Update and Video
Chicken Update: We are so sorry to say that we have decided not to sell any chickens this fall. If there is enough interest, we plan to do another big group that will be ready in the summer of 2022. Lord willing, we will have a more efficient set up in our new processing area, which has been our biggest obstacle. Here is a short film of our butchering day this week for chickens that will feed our family. We did a total of 225 chickens this fall and spread this out over a few weeks. Now we just have turkeys to do sometime.
Continue reading “Chicken Update and Video”Wisdom Wednesday
From 1985 to 2020, big Pharma has increased from 20 billion dollars per year to 310 billion per year and they LOVE this! If pharmaceuticals are really the answer to our health concerns, then why do we continue to see a decline in the health of our people, especially our children? What are your thoughts? Do you think big pharma always has our best interests in mind? Do you think this has been a good investment toward our health? We love to hear from you!
Week 31: Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Household Cleaners
For the next several weeks we will be focusing on getting the toxins out of our household cleaners. During chicken butchering today, I asked Kailey if she had any thoughts on what cleaning product I should mention first, and she quickly mentioned dusting spray. Kailey explained that before we started making our own dusting spray, she hated dusting because of the sore throat, cough, and headache she would get every time she dusted. Until we started making our own dusting spray, she thought it was the dust. Since it doesn’t happen anymore when she dusts, we have to wonder if it was the spray. She says she still doesn’t enjoy dusting, but at least she doesn’t feel bad when she’s done.
Continue reading “Week 31: Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Household Cleaners”Quick Natural Hair Tip From the Farm
Since we are talking about getting the toxins out of our hair products, I thought I would share a tip that has helped some of my children with cradle cap. In babies we call it cradle cap and children and adults we have different names like dandruff, depending on the severity. I have noticed that my children with the most gut damage have struggled the most with cradle cap. I have also observed that changing our lifestyles to reduce toxins, correct deficiencies, and focus on eating a highly digestible, nutrient dense diet with lots of natural enzymes and probiotics from our food has significantly reduced all the cases of cradle cap. If you or a loved one is struggling with this, I can’t wait to share what has worked for us, because there are so many toxic “treatments” out there and this is so simple and natural!
Continue reading “Quick Natural Hair Tip From the Farm”Wisdom Wednesday:
Multitasking is great, but overtasking is disastrous.
Quote By Kailey Mentink

If you ask my husband or my children how I get everything done in a day, they will tell you that I’m constantly multitasking. While most of the time this works well for me, sometimes I try to do too many things and end with a small or disastrous problem.
Continue reading “Wisdom Wednesday:”Week 30 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Hair
I remember when I was back in 5th or 6th grade and my neighbor taught me how to fix my bangs. The higher they were, the better. I remember my mom making me wear a bandana when I would spray gobs of hair spray on my hair to hold those bangs in place. My husband still laughs at those pictures! We knew the products we were using on our hair weren’t good for our health, but we didn’t have a lot of alternatives. Today there are many products out there that are more natural, but I don’t know if they would hold my bangs up. Thankfully that style is gone!! Today I only use two products, and they are a shampoo bar and a natural hair spray (at least as natural as I can find).
Continue reading “Week 30 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Hair”Eight Ways to Age Our Skin Faster
This week we are focusing on getting the toxins out of our skin care items that can be harmful to our health and can age us faster. Because I believe what we eat is just as important as what we put on our skin, I have added a few of those too. While none of us want to appear older than we are (I was doing just that and didn’t even realize it), we often don’t fully understand how detrimental these added ingredients to our products along with not getting the proper nourishment are to our skin and health. I have noticed a big difference in my skin since I started using real soap with quality ingredients, moisturizing with basic oils and herbs without the harmful components added, and using facial cream without the poisonous toxins. I have also had many other people report similar results. We can’t stop the aging process, but we can sure speed it up by following this list of eight things.
Continue reading “Eight Ways to Age Our Skin Faster”Wisdom Wednesday
When crooks expand the money supply, this is called counterfeiting. When governments do it, it is called “monetary policy,’ but it is the same thing, inflation. In both cases it causes falling money and rising prices.
Richard J. Maybury
One of the books the kids and I are reading at this time is Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? This quote comes from that book. We have found it very useful to understand economics. I highly recommend this great read!