Farm Happenings

Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t Trust Someone So Much That You Neglect to Investigate Their Product

I recently learned about a new line of skin care products from someone that I really trust. I have benefited so much from their natural health information that I was excited to check out what they were selling. The first thing I noticed when I went to their website was that they had large pictures of natural ingredients with the names under the pictures. Think of coconut oil as an example. As I scrolled to the bottom of the page, I found the list of all the ingredients. There were several preservatives and ingredients that weren’t natural or necessary for good skin health. Unfortunately, those harmful preservatives don’t even guarantee a safe product, because we see recalls all the time where harmful bacteria have proliferated in a product, despite those preservatives that are supposed to stop them. Not only did it contain harmful ingredients, it was very expensive!

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Week 34 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Household Cleaners

Have you ever read the ingredients in commercial window cleaner? Until today, I had no idea what was in them, but I always assumed that it wasn’t good to be breathing in those strong smelling, toxic chemicals that would spray out each time I pulled the handle. After reading the list of ingredients today, I was even more thankful that I never use it anymore. I have worked for several years on a variety of ingredients to clean my windows, and I haven’t liked any of them until recently. I can honestly say that I have finally come up with a recipe that I love, and it’s so simple, effective, and frugal. I hope you will give it a try too!

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Our 2021 Thanksgiving on the Mentink Farm

By Kailey Mentink

As I looked around the table at the whole family gathered for our Thanksgiving dinner, I was reminded of what a wonderful life we live here in Nebraska. There is no one telling us where to go to church, how to raise our food, or why we have to wear a mask. Well, people have a habit of telling things like that, but nobody has authority to make our decisions for us.

It was just our immediate family this year, but the ten of us must surely have made enough noise for a big crowd. Our plates were full (probably over-full) with turkey, potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, rolls, and pumpkin pie. But better even than the food was the conversation, the laughing, and the stories flying back and forth. I mean, seriously. If our happiness depended on my chocolate bears coming out of their mold perfectly, we would have been devastated. They were mush.

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A Thanksgiving Desire for You and Your Family

May your turkey be fat and juicy,

May your yard games not result in broken bones,

May the cell phones by forgotten in your vehicle,

May the laughter be so loud it alarms the neighbors,

May your gravy be smooth and truly without MSG,

May the kitchen be used and without smoke,

May the food be so natural that you feel energetic and fruitful,

May you be blessed with abundant health!

May you make great memories on this day, while giving thanks to our amazing creator God for His provision.

Psalm 106: 1 Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Mentinks!

Wisdom Wednesday:

Have you ever noticed that even if God allows you to have a dream, you’re expected to work to make it happen?

Dan Miller

The other day Asher, age 6 came up to me and asked if he could listen to a Dan Miller podcast while he put his clothes away every morning. “I would like to get some wisdom,” he seriously replied. Since Asher was helping me with my wisdom Wednesday post last week, I thought I would share something from Dan Miller and Asher approved the quote. While we think proverbs is the BEST place to get wisdom, we think Dan Miller has some good wisdom to share too! Are you living your dream? We would love to hear from you!

Week 33: Continue Getting the Toxins Out of Our Household Cleaners

Homemade Carpet Cleaner Recipe

Since we had carpet in the kitchen at our old house, I cleaned carpets about once a month. Every time I would clean the carpets I would get a sore throat. Needless to say I hated cleaning carpets! Once I found this natural recipe my husband thought I might wear out the carpets by cleaning them so much. The carpets looked clean, smelled fantastic, and I felt great after using it. I no longer have any carpet in my house, but I still use this on my furniture a few times a year. I used this recipe for years on my carpets and furniture and never experienced any problems, but please read the warning below.

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A Co vid Study Might Offer Another Reason to Ditch Those Junky Oils

“A newly published UC Davis research paper pinpoints what could be “the missing link” in why some CO VID-19 patients recover and some don’t.” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS, characterized by fluid build-up in the lungs, is the “Second leading cause of death in COVID-19 patients, next to viral pneumonia, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.” “Recent data indicate a role of dysregulated lipid profiles in CO VID-19 and identified cytochrome P450 (CYP) metabolites of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as potential biomarkers of disease severity.” In other words, a high amount of polyunsaturated fat intake could be to blame.

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Week 32 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Household Cleaners

For the next several weeks we will be focusing on getting the toxins out of our household cleaners. This week I will be sharing how I clean my furniture naturally. I used to buy a commercial powder to sprinkle on my cloth furniture, vacuumed it, and then I would spray a toxic spray to make it smell good. When I started changing my cleaning routine and reading the ingredients in my products, these two products were some of the first to go. I have discovered that mixing baking soda with some drops of essential oil and sprinkling this all over my furniture does a great job and leaves the furniture smelling great.

Continue reading “Week 32 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Household Cleaners”