Farm Happenings

Week 40 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Dishes

I’m one of the few people that actually enjoys washing dishes, but it wasn’t always that way. I remember when we were first married, I assumed the best and most efficient way to get the dishes done was to use the dishwasher. I would never feel done with the dishes because after loading it, I knew they would have to be put away. It bothered me how much water the dishwasher would use and the chemicals that it spewed into the kitchen, not to mention the coating and taste of our dishes. If I still used a dishwasher today, I don’t think that we could fit all of our dishes in the dishwasher from one meal.

When I started converting our cleaning products to more natural ones, and I tried them in my old dishwasher, my dishes didn’t get/look very clean. I will admit that they did with the commercial cleaners. After trying several natural alternatives, and making many homemade recipes, I got frustrated and gave up! I decided to start washing dishes by hand, and I’m so glad that I did.

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Two Testimonies

We were blessed with two testimonies today about our pork. We greatly appreciate it!

Robert Christensen said “Pork chops last night and bacon this morning, all I can say is I’m glad I got 2 pigs! Flavor is wonderful and I’m very pleased! Look forward to working with you guys more in the future! Thank you!”

Glenn said, “Just received our first 1/2 hog from the Mentinks.   I managed hog confinements for 35 years and have had my share of pork.  I will say this was some of the best breakfast sausage I have ate!!  The flavor was so good and it cooked up so nice and the smell was fantastic.  The pork chops, ham steaks and roast all look really good too, can’t wait to try them.  Well done Mentinks!!  All of your hard work and effort in raising these organic hogs sure makes a huge difference in flavor and quality. Hope we are on your long list for another ½.”

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Wisdom Wednesday

A clever person solves problems, a wise one prevents them.

Dr. Stuart Hill

Feed the soil and not the plant.

Dr. William Albrecht

When the soil is healthy, the plant follows suit, and every person and animal that lives off the plants and their products is well.

Jo Robinson

Lamb recently born on the pasture from spring 2021

Week 39 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Wall Cleaners and What Paint to Use

I’m always learning through my mistakes, and I am sure this will always be the case. I have learned a lot about what not to do in the future, after gutting and remodeling our house that we live in today. One of those mistakes was how we did our walls and ceilings, and that has made cleaning them a lot harder than it should be. As I share my experience with you, I hope you can learn from my mistakes as well as what has worked well for us.

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Why I Quit My Job

My husband has been home for about a month now, and he has been planning to write a blog post and share a video with everyone during that time about why he quit his job. Yesterday we finished our “must do” list to prepare for winter. It was just in time, because the weather changed, and its bitter cold with blowing snow. While there is still a lot to be done on the farm, the extra time inside allowed him to get this accomplished. Cory has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share, and I look forward to hearing more from him in the future on this blog and our You Tube channel!

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Wisdom Wednesday: Are You Living Your Dream or Someone Else’s Dream?

“Several years ago I saw a young surgeon who had gone to Harvard Medical School, as had his father and grandfather. He had the finest cars and opportunities along the way. And yet something was amiss. By the time he came to see me, he was shooting heroin into the heels of his feet (the heels being the only parts of his body where he had not abused the veins). He had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital in an attempt to save his life.

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Will It Smell Better?

Nancy emailed me over the weekend to thank us for the pork we sold them. She also sent me a beautiful picture of her first creation. See below. She had told me that she struggles so much with the smell of pork, and I knew that her order would put our pork to the test. I was a little hesitant to ask her this, but I wrote back and asked what she thought of the smell. Her response was, “It didn’t smell at all. Very grateful for that.” I asked if I could share this and she said, “Yes.” I also shared it with the family and it sure made us feel good. Moving them around so frequently has so many benefits, and the clean smell of the meat is just one of them. We love when you reach out to us with your recipes, pictures, compliments, and thank yous. We seriously have the best job!

Week 38 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Laundry Detergent

Conventional laundry detergents contain sudsy chemicals that are created to leave a good smelling film on our clothes, but they also create a buildup in our washers that produce a breeding ground for toxic mold and bacteria. There are so many other toxic chemicals in our laundry detergents today that are known to cause cancer, environmental damage, skin conditions, organ damage, and more that I can’t believe that some of them are still on the market. When I was struggling the most with my chemical allergy, and I would receive hand-me-downs, it would take me 7 rounds of washing and hanging clothes outside before I could wear it or put it on one of my kids without severe coughing. It took at least 6 months when we received furniture from a home that used these products before I could tolerate it. I was very thankful for these things, but at times wondered if it was worth the suffering. When I bought a used, modern washing machine, with an extra rinse for people with sensitivity to laundry soap, (just by chance) I had to laugh because I knew from experience that those extra rinses didn’t do much good. It’s a waste of water, because those chemicals don’t come out easily! You may be thinking, well she just has an “allergy,” and while I believed that at the time, I have to say that after my research and change in lifestyle, I don’t agree with that anymore. I believe that my exposure to toxins in the past, along with my nutrient deficient, highly processed diet that I ate, and was addicted to, simply overwhelmed my body to the point that I couldn’t handle any more chemicals. As I have healed my gut, I have noticed a significant improvement when I am exposed to them, but I still have some work to do.

Continue reading “Week 38 Get the Toxins Out . . . Of Our Laundry Detergent”