Farm Happenings
Tapping, Riding, Anticipating, and Fun on the Farm
By Kailey Mentink
I was hard pressed to believe what was happening as I stepped outside on Monday morning. The sun was shining, and there wasn’t a cloud in that sky. And it was warm. Wonderfully warm. And just three days before, the thermometer had barely climbed to twenty degrees. Unbelievable.
Continue reading “Tapping, Riding, Anticipating, and Fun on the Farm”Wisdom Wednesday
One of the best financial investments we can make is our health
“What I found was the number one cause of financial insecurity and loss was healthcare problems. What I discovered is it was much more important for my clients to be smart about health proactively than to get the best investment return. Even the most phenomenal investment return could not make up for the money flowing out the back door as a result of health fraud.
Continue reading “Wisdom Wednesday”Week 47 The Amazing Benefits of Fermenting Dairy
According to the Weston Price Foundation, “Ferments boost the immune system, protect against disease, and aid digestion.” If a person is unable to source raw milk, culturing pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) milk can restore many of the enzymes destroyed during pasteurization including lactase, which helps digest lactose or milk sugar, and numerous enzymes, which help the body absorb calcium and other minerals. When milk is fermented both vitamin B and vitamin C content of the milk will increase and the lactose will be broken down. Casein, one of the hardest proteins to digest will be predigested in the fermentation process.
Continue reading “Week 47 The Amazing Benefits of Fermenting Dairy”Why We Homeschool
By Cory Mentink
So why do we homeschool? That is a good question and one with kind of a wide and varied answer to it. Martin Luther King Jr once said “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.” We haven’t always homeschooled our kids, we started in the local government school, then to a wonderful K-8th Christian school that was near us, and then progressed on to homeschooling which has been working for us ever since.
The most important reason we homeschool is that God has put it on our hearts to teach, train, and disciple our children. Deuteronomy 6 shows us that we are to diligently teach the commands of God as we “sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” This seemed very hard to do if we were sending our kids off somewhere else for 8 plus hours a day. Being able to incorporate God’s word and principles in our curriculum and learnings is a huge advantage as far as I’m concerned. We know that homeschooling won’t save or children, but we are trying to be faithful and trust that God will do His work in His timing.
Continue reading “Why We Homeschool”Another Cavity Healed!!
I shared in a previous post about how Cory healed four cavities several years ago here. A few months ago, a new friend shared how she healed her son’s cavity when he was two. The dentist discovered a small cavity during a regular checkup, and the mom did not want her two-year-old to have to sit through the procedure of filling the cavity. She did some research and learned about healing cavities with cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil. She gave him this for a time and when they brought him back to the dentist, she discovered that the cavity had healed.
The dentist asked her what she did, and after she told her, the dentist was excited about this, but said that she couldn’t recommend it to her patients because of the regulations in place. This story was really encouraging, but also made me so sad that this dentist who witnessed this amazing healing, will not be able to share this story. Drilling and filling are their only plan of action. I realize this may not work for everyone, but imagine the pain and suffering from dental work that nutrition could possibly solve for many people. The health of our teeth are also a good indication of what’s going on in the rest of our body.
Continue reading “Another Cavity Healed!!”Wisdom Wednesday
When we look to the past, it’s easy to see that people that wanted to control other people’s speech generally were not good people, and while they made it look like they had everyone’s best interest in mind, the reality was that they only cared about themselves and what they could gain from silencing people that didn’t agree with them.
Recently I heard from Melissa K Norris, a homesteading guru, that she had created a post a few years ago that she shares every year about this time on how to grow enough food from your garden to last a year. She recently posted this to Instagram, and while she has been very careful not share anything controversial, she had this post taken down twice. In her own words, “I share this information every single year, but this year I shared about my dad’s upbringing during the Great Depression and how, if they didn’t grow their own food and preserve it they would have gone hungry. But because of the skills his mom had, they never went hungry, and that’s why these skills are so important, even today.
For some reason, Instagram decided to take down not only my post but also my IG Story where I shared the link to the blog post.
Now, I tend to be very careful when it comes to “trigger” words that social media would remove. But never would I have thought that homesteading and growing your own food would trigger my post to be taken down.
This brings me to my next point of why it’s important to have access to information outside of social media and even blog posts where you can get teachings. . . We should all be able to hear information and then make decisions on where we stand on our own, never forced due to censorship.”
I couldn’t have said it better. I don’t know about you, but this is even more motivation for me to pray more (even for God’s grace to save the wicked men of our day), to continue to grow food for our family, and keep learning skills that have been long forgotten. Does this motivate you too? I would love to hear from you!
“Those who begin by burning books will end by burning people.”
Heinrich Heine
Week 46: The Amazing Benefits of Raw Cream
Raw cream from cows on grass is loaded with valuable nutrients that are easy to digest and also contains the Wulzen Factor, referred to as the “antistiffness” factor. When talking about this factor, Sally Fallon said, “It protects humans and animals from calcification of the joints, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland. Calves fed pasteurized milk or skim milk develop joint stiffness and do not thrive.” Amazingly when the calves are given raw butter fat again their symptoms are reversed!”
Dr. Price described a tradition that he witnessed in each Swiss valley or village where athletes would feast on dairy products to help them to prepare for their competitions. “The athletes were provided with large bowls of cream as constituting one of the most popular and healthful beverages, and special cheese was always available.
Continue reading “Week 46: The Amazing Benefits of Raw Cream”