Farm Happenings

A Unique, Natural, Romantic Valentine Idea

When most people think of doing something special for Valentines Day, they often think of going somewhere (usually eating out). But, I have a unique and fun idea that I think you would really enjoy. Not only will you feel better the next day, I believe you will grow closer in your relationship to your spouse as well. My husband and I are very committed to eating natural and traditional food, spending time together, and saving money, so these ideas are not unique to us, but they may be to you.

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We Are Back!

Our website utilizing our new host is finally working and seems a lot faster. There are still some corrections to be made with some of the links in the posts, but it’s very usable. We haven’t had any issues with recent orders, but please let me know if you have any trouble or have any questions.

Eight months ago, I cut way back on my content creation, emails, and also let my website expire because I was unsure what our future looked like. As some of you already know, Cory left his full-time job a few years ago to serve people with his electrical skills. Praise the Lord he has been keeping busy and in high demand. Because of this, last spring we started considering letting go of all of our other businesses and focusing on growing more food for our family. We were both overwhelmed and really struggling at that time. After a few months, I really missed all that I was doing, but was thankful for the extra time to get more organized, get more projects done, and spend more time with my family.

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Do We follow the 80/20 Rule When it Comes to Food?

This is a common question that I get, and if you haven’t heard of the 80/20 rule, it’s basically where you eat good 80 percent of the time and whatever you want 20% of the time. Several years ago, when we learned about eating a more traditional diet, that was based upon the work of Dr. Weston Price, I thought we would eat good most of the time and eat whatever we wanted the rest of the time (although we were avoiding some foods for allergy reasons). Over time we observed that the more traditional food that we ate (especially if it was grown on our farm) the better we felt.

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