Eggs produced by hens on pasture (eating plants) have been found to contain 10 times more omega-3s (think heart health), 3 to 6 times more vitamin D (these hens are soaking up the sun), 217 times more folate (critical in preventing neural tube defects and so much more!), and more vitamin E, A, and beta carotene (incredibly important for good health). When you choose nutrient dense foods, those vitamins in a bottle don’t seem so important. When we get our nutrients from food, we don’t have to worry that we are getting too much of one vitamin/mineral that can cause toxicity or deficiency in another like we do with supplements.
Continue reading “Week 8 Get Your Eggs Better”Author: Angela Mentink
Week 7: Get Your Fats Better with Olive Oil
Most people are aware of the health benefits of olive oil, but many Americans don’t realize that there are a lot of fake olive oils on the market. Studies have suggested that olive oil is high in antioxidants, has strong anti-inflammatory properties, has been shown to help with blood sugar control, is antibacterial, and may help to prevent cancer. Olive oil has been a great substitute for vegetable oils when it comes to dressings, salads, and low heat cooking on our farm.
Continue reading “Week 7: Get Your Fats Better with Olive Oil”How We Doubled Our Winter Egg Production with Older Hens

My husband and I have always known that we could significantly improve our egg production if we would feed highly processed organic layer feed to our laying hens. There are several reasons we want to avoid this feed. A few of these are that the cost is significantly higher, there are always synthetic vitamins added, it doesn’t produce flavorful eggs, I can’t find a local source, and it’s not as natural (just look at the color).
Continue reading “How We Doubled Our Winter Egg Production with Older Hens”Week 6 Consider Adding Lard to Your Pantry!
Have you heard that saturated fats are bad for you? “Saturated animal fats are not villains! They are filled with essential vitamins A, D, K2 and E, among many other nutrients that support our entire body’s ability to manufacture the hormones that help us stay healthy, happy and strong,” according to the Weston Price Foundation. Did you know that there have only been two studies that actually compared a diet based on vegetable oils to one that is high in animal fats? It’s interesting to note that both studies revealed that animal fats actually protect us from heart disease, but you don’t hear that part of the story. All the focus has been on the results that a diet high in vegetable oils reduced cholesterol, but they neglect to mention the fact that there were eight deaths among the vegetable oil group.
Continue reading “Week 6 Consider Adding Lard to Your Pantry!”Quality Homemade Butter
In the last couple years, I have seen a lot of excitement over the idea of making butter by shaking cream in a jar until it turns to butter. While that will produce butter and might be fun for the first few minutes, I would probably only do it once (if I even finished the first time). Let’s be real, that would be a lot of work and take a lot of time! I’m so thankful for modern technology that allows us to put good quality food on the table without so much physical labor and time. While I love physical work, I also enjoy accomplishing a lot of tasks in a day, and I that’s why I love making butter with my Bosch mixer. It’s quick and easy.
Continue reading “Quality Homemade Butter”Why We Don’t Wash Our Eggs

Did you know there is a significant increase in the risk of bacteria invading eggs when they are washed? You would think the opposite would be true. People have asked me how our eggs that we sell are so clean when we don’t wash them with water, and I thought I would explain our routine and what we have learned about producing safe eggs.
Continue reading “Why We Don’t Wash Our Eggs”Week 4 Get Your Sleep Better

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
~Benjamin Franklin
When you wake up in the morning, do you feel rested? A recent survey suggests that 65% of Americans rarely feel “rested or energized.” When we don’t get enough quality sleep at night it affects our disposition, energy, performance, and health, and our bodies aren’t able detoxify from the day’s assaults. When we look at the body as a whole, we can understand that the amount and the time when we are sleeping may not be the only reason we are not feeling “rested,” but it’s a great place to start.
Continue reading “Week 4 Get Your Sleep Better”How We Hand Milk On The Mentink Family Farm
Hey Friends! We have had a lot of people reach out to us over the years about sharing our homesteading skills. We are hoping to share more of what we are doing this year, Lord willing and as time allows. We are certainly not experts, but we have learned a lot through our mistakes. Hopefully you can learn from us, so you don’t have to make them.
Continue reading “How We Hand Milk On The Mentink Family Farm”