Genetically modified crops were created in about 1994 in an attempt to help farmers deal with weeds more easily. Many folks still believe that genetic modification is done naturally, (they often compare it to hybridization where two plants are crossed in the same species to make a new plant) but the truth is that genetic modification couldn’t happen naturally in the wild like hybridization does. Modification is done in a highly sophisticated lab. As Ty Bollinger says, “Genetic engineering /modification of food involves the laboratory process of artificially inserting genes into the DNA of food, crops, or animals. The result is called a genetically modified organism (“GMO”). GMO can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. The reason the plants are engineered is to allow them to basically drink poison.” This allows the spraying of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides without damaging the modified plant. As Joel Salatin often says, “Folks this aint normal.”
Continue reading “Week 13 How We Got Our Meats Better and GMOs”Author: Angela Mentink
A Unique Way of Planting Over $4000 of Potatoes on the Farm
We have been growing our own potatoes (a little different than most people) for many years. The only reason we started growing our own potatoes was for health reasons, but now I see even more benefits to it. Not only are they more healthy and nutrient dense with the way we grow them, but I have also calculated a significant cost savings, the flavor is amazing, and it’s nice to be able to grow and store your own food rather than relying on the world’s fragile food system that is being controlled by fewer and fewer people and the price of food continues to climb. I look forward to sharing a little bit more about this and explaining how we grow our potatoes today.
Continue reading “A Unique Way of Planting Over $4000 of Potatoes on the Farm”Week 9 Get Your Meats Better
Many farm families, in an attempt to keep the farm profitable and alive, switched to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) in the 1950s for poultry and the 1970s and 1980s for cattle and pigs. CAFOs are highly efficient systems of feeding large quantities of animals, in small spaces, using mechanized systems to save time and labor. Chickens and pigs are raised in large buildings and cows are finished in large feed lots. This system has provided an abundance of food, at a cheap price, but unfortunately it has had some unexpected consequences. As people demand and support this cheap, highly industrialized, and more recently, highly processed food system, our health has declined and our medical bills have increased significantly.

Making Organic Food Affordable at Breakfast
When my husband and I were first married, we both ate breakfast out most days. Cory would pick up a slice of breakfast pizza and a large fountain pop on his way to work at the gas station, and I would skip breakfast or eat at work or nursing school. Cory would often feel hungry by midmorning and eat a candy bar. Both of our eating habits have changed significantly, and Cory and I are both convinced that for us, eating clean foods have actually saved us a lot money. Today I am going to start with explaining how we are saving money at breakfast. I hope to be sharing many other ideas on how you can afford organic food too.
Continue reading “Making Organic Food Affordable at Breakfast”Pastured Eggs For Health
Did you know that eggs were once considered one of the best foods a person could eat? In order to get healthy babies, many cultures would make sure a pregnant or lactating mom was given plenty of eggs each day. At times long voyages under harsh conditions were endured to collect eggs. I even heard of grandmas taking on this responsibility. They would do whatever it took to ensure these women were getting the nutrients they needed for themselves and their babies.
Continue reading “Pastured Eggs For Health”