Author: Angela Mentink
Wisdom Wednesday
For Every Pest There are 1700 beneficials. Imagine what would happen if we started encouraging more beneficials?
Continue reading “Wisdom Wednesday”Quote of the Week:
They’ve destroyed so much of our food supply, and when you eat cheap, nutrition-deficient processed food laced with synthetic chemicals and agricultural poisons, there’s simply no way you’re going to be able to maintain good health.
For decades, the processed food industry has defended sugar as a harmless substance that provides crucial energy (calories). All calories are the same, they claim, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. But as harmful as excess sugar is, I am firmly convinced that processed seed oils are exponentially worse — in my estimation a 10 times greater driver of chronic disease than sugar is.
Dr. Mercola
Wisdom Wednesday
No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the scientists have to create them. They make these morbidly obese creatures by infecting them with monosodium glutamate (MSG) when they are first born. The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats to become obese. MSG creates a lesion in the hypothalamus that correlates with abnormal developments, including obesity, short stature, and sexual reproduction problems. MSG has also been shown to kill brain cells as well as to cause nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, depression, and heart problems.
Ty Bollinger
The good news is that we can buy clean ingredients that are raised without chemicals and make delicious foods from scratch that are satisfying, delicious, and energy promoting! The best way to source these ingredients is to grow them yourself. The next best way is to find a local farmer you trust.
Week 48: MSG and Obesity
When scientists want to make rats obese, they give them MSG. Did you know that MSG is in many food products including some organic products? The food industry loves it, because it can make us crave their foods and not feel satisfied, so we buy more. Basically, we are the rats! I touched on MSG back when we were getting our spices right, but I recently learned that MSG is in organic creamed soups, and I really felt led to dedicate a whole week to this issue. You may think you are avoiding MSG by buying products that say MSG free, or if you don’t see it on the label, but even those products can have this hidden under other ingredients including spice which most people would think of as natural spices.
Continue reading “Week 48: MSG and Obesity”Tapping, Riding, Anticipating, and Fun on the Farm
By Kailey Mentink
I was hard pressed to believe what was happening as I stepped outside on Monday morning. The sun was shining, and there wasn’t a cloud in that sky. And it was warm. Wonderfully warm. And just three days before, the thermometer had barely climbed to twenty degrees. Unbelievable.
Continue reading “Tapping, Riding, Anticipating, and Fun on the Farm”Wisdom Wednesday
One of the best financial investments we can make is our health
“What I found was the number one cause of financial insecurity and loss was healthcare problems. What I discovered is it was much more important for my clients to be smart about health proactively than to get the best investment return. Even the most phenomenal investment return could not make up for the money flowing out the back door as a result of health fraud.
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