I was shocked to learn recently that Americans spend 93% of their life indoors, and the average child spends about 4 to 7 minutes playing outside and 7 hours a day in front of a screen. Of course, these are just the averages, and I know plenty of kids that spend a lot of time outside. There are many documented health benefits to getting outside, and I have noticed these in my own family too. Even before this research was done into the benefits, people knew of the value and health benefits of the sun and getting outside, because we have noticed that when we read old books, there is mention of it.
While I was researching this subject, I wasn’t surprised to find that children (I’m convinced this goes for adults too), have more creativity, are more physically fit, have less depression and hyperactivity, better health (including stronger bones), improved eye sight, better balance, longer life span, and tend to sleep a lot better than people that spend little time outside. I have also noticed, at least in my own children, that allowing kids to build forts, climb trees, plant their own gardens and then experiment in the kitchen, and entertain themselves gives them better problem-solving skills and very few complaints of boredom.
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