Another Cavity Healed!!

I shared in a previous post about how Cory healed four cavities several years ago here. A few months ago, a new friend shared how she healed her son’s cavity when he was two. The dentist discovered a small cavity during a regular checkup, and the mom did not want her two-year-old to have to sit through the procedure of filling the cavity. She did some research and learned about healing cavities with cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil. She gave him this for a time and when they brought him back to the dentist, she discovered that the cavity had healed.

The dentist asked her what she did, and after she told her, the dentist was excited about this, but said that she couldn’t recommend it to her patients because of the regulations in place. This story was really encouraging, but also made me so sad that this dentist who witnessed this amazing healing, will not be able to share this story.  Drilling and filling are their only plan of action. I realize this may not work for everyone, but imagine the pain and suffering from dental work that nutrition could possibly solve for many people. The health of our teeth are also a good indication of what’s going on in the rest of our body.

When Dr. Weston Price was doing research on people groups that his brother had discovered during his filming for National Geographic, Price discovered that a diet high in fat-soluble vitamins, fats (especially butter from grazing animals) and minerals could help improve the health of malnourished children, and even stop the progress of tooth decay. He worked with many people groups untouched by modern foods and found their health to be superior to those that had embraced the modern foods of commerce like white flour, white sugar, marmalade, etc.  He encouraged the modern groups to return to their traditional diets, and found that the ones that returned produced healthier children. He also helped many people to correct health problems with his recommendations. According to the Nourishing Traditions Website that I linked below, “In studies with humans and poultry, he found that giving cod liver oil alone was not as effective in promoting growth and recovery from bone loss or tooth decay as the combination of what he called “high-vitamin natural cod liver oil (a source of vitamins A and D)” and “high-vitamin butter oil (a source of vitamin A and activator X).”  He made the butter oil by centrifuging slightly heated butter to separate it into an oil and hard portion—the vitamins concentrated in the oil. Today we know that activator X is vitamin K2, MK-4, the animal form of vitamin K.”          

This story is a great reminder to me to continue to do my own research, and seek the Lord’s wisdom in all things. I take the time to share these stories because I care about people, and I can’t imagine where our family would be without the knowledge that so many different people have blessed us with about natural health. Have you done something recently to improve your health? We love to hear from you!