A Unique, Natural, Romantic Valentine Idea

When most people think of doing something special for Valentines Day, they often think of going somewhere (usually eating out). But, I have a unique and fun idea that I think you would really enjoy. Not only will you feel better the next day, I believe you will grow closer in your relationship to your spouse as well. My husband and I are very committed to eating natural and traditional food, spending time together, and saving money, so these ideas are not unique to us, but they may be to you.

My husband and I have been more intentional about spending time together and growing closer in our relationship. We have found that if you don’t have a plan to spend time with each other, it probably won’t happen. That is why my husband and I have scheduled our time together and have been very faithful to do this for about a year now. We are so thankful for the time we invested in one another and have no regrets for prioritizing it. Our kids don’t feel neglected, and we spend very little money making this happen.

In order to spend more time together and get to know each other better, we do a date night once a week. It’s usually quite simple and rarely costs us anything. It may be taking a walk and sitting by the dam, talking in our room, going somewhere we need to go, or occasionally we will do something that costs a little money. Sometimes our youngest goes with us too, but he is very good. One evening last summer my husband surprised me and took me to the pasture where he purposed to me. That was very special.

We also get up at 4:30 and spend about 45 minutes to an hour talking and then praying about the day. We may do a little planning as well. We end the day with my husband reading the Bible, talking about it, and then finish by reading a book that will help us grow closer. We are both very thankful that the Lord put this on both of our hearts at the same time, and while we have always had a good marriage, we never imagined it could be this good. To be honest, I debated on sharing this with you, because it feels so personal, but if this can help even one couple then it’s worth it.

Getting a plan now for your special day will help to make sure that everything goes smoothly. My husband and I will be doing this with our kids at home, but if you have someone to watch yours, that would be great too.

Get ready like you are going out on a date and have the house clean and organized. Your meal will be prepared together. All cell phones, computers, and televisions should be off. Having soft music in the background would be acceptable, unless it becomes too distracting. Your evening should start by having good quality ingredients on hand to prepare a delicious, homemade meal that both of you love. I would keep this very simple so you have plenty of time left for other things.

My husband and I are planning to make grain-free, pastured, beef steak, along with beyond organic potatoes, and sweet corn from last summer. We will probably skip dessert in order to keep this less time consuming and to feel better. If it’s nice we will do this on our grate set over our fire pit and enjoy the fire for a bit.

Make this meal preparation a lot of fun and make sure to share some laughs together. After the meal is prepared, light some candles and have soft lighting. Enjoy your meal and have the questions below printed out and ready for when you start to run out of things to talk about. Work together in cleaning up, or assign the kids this task, and then enjoy reading some of this book together. I would dedicate reading two pages each night after this. Whatever happens after this is up to you. Have fun, enjoy feeling nourished and energetic, and just slow down and enjoy each other.

You can read about the Courageous Story of Valentine’s Day here.

Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day or something you enjoy doing every year? We would love to hear them if you do!

Questions to Bring You Closer

  1. What is something you are excited about?
  2. What is your first memory of us being together? How did you feel?
  3. If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be?
  4. What is your favorite type of work to do?
  5. How am I a blessing to you?
  6. How can I serve you better?
  7. What is your favorite activity to do with me?
  8. What is a dream that you have for our future?
  9. What would a perfect day for you look like?
  10. What is your favorite food to eat?
  11. How do I make you feel most loved?
  12. What song reminds you of me?
  13. Do you consider us best friends?
  14. Do I flirt with you enough?
  15. Where do you see us in 10 years?