Recently we gathered the whole family around the table to ask them what Thanksgiving meant to them. Thanksgiving on our farm looks more like the Thanksgivings of early Colonial America with the blessings of modern technology to make things easier and more efficient. Thanksgiving to our family is truly a time to give thanks for the harvests. Our provisions from the farm are completely dependent on the Lord. Through the droughts, major hail, high damaging winds, extreme heat and cold, and loss of animals, we have always had enough, and we give thanks.
One of our family traditions is to spend the week of Thanksgiving preparing the food and thoroughly cleaning the house. Some kids say that our Thanksgiving is mostly about food since we spend too much time preparing it, but we all know it’s so much more. As we prepare our food, we remember the work that went into raising the turkey and ham on our pasture. We are thankful for the potatoes, pumpkins, sweet corn, fruits, eggs, old-fashioned wheat, maple syrup, and honey as we transform them into wonderful creations. Everyone especially enjoys the homemade cherry cheesecake, yellow butter, and cheese that we wouldn’t have without our jersey cows, and for this we are so thankful.
As we reflect on Thanksgiving, our family is very thankful for Jesus who has transformed our lives and given us all a love for children, the time that we are able to spend with family and friends, land where we can grow healthy food and share our abundance with others, God’s daily provision, our family businesses, comfortable shelter, and especially to live in a country that by God’s grace we are able to worship Him freely and share the Gospel with others.
What are you most thankful for? We love to hear from you!
1 Chronicles 16:8
“Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!”