Our Story with Calendula
Calendula is widely known as being exceptional for the skin. Presently, calendula is one of our favorite herbs for the skin. It grows well in our wood chip garden, is beautiful to look at, and dries well on our drying screens. We infuse this herb in our salve and lip balm that we use and sell. I would love to share my story of how I use this herb and how it has helped so many of our customers, but unfortunately we are not allowed to make any claims by law even if they are true! I can say that I made this salve for my niece, shared it with others, and after hearing great testimonies, we decided to sell it. I love to use this on my feet and hands at the end of the day (especially after working in the garden). I feel safe using this on my family and I’m blessed and thankful to hear the stories of other people benefiting from our natural products. There is a wealth of information on the internet and in books. Recently, I decided to purchase several herb books while I still have the freedom to do so! There are so many scientific studies validating what people used to know to be true of herbs! I agree with Joel Salatin when he said, and I’m paraphrasing, we need to take this back!