We Have Moved!

IMG_1079The last several months have felt like a whirlwind! We have prepared our old place to sell (pictured below), moved, established our camper outside of our new residence to temporarily live in, prepared our animals for winter, started cleaning up around our new place, made a lot of decisions, experienced a few unexpected hardships, prepared a wood chip garden, and started gutting our new, old house. We had A&A Roofing put a metal roof on our house. We hope to collect water for the gardens eventually. We also participated in our first holiday show and filled Christmas orders. We have met so many nice people through this transition!

Through all of this we continue to homeschool and encourage our kids in as many skills as we can. We also continue to grow/raise a lot of our food and make almost everything from scratch. We know the Lord has and is at work giving us extra energy and strength, wisdom, patience, and so much more!  Our prayer is that we will be good stewards of what He has provided for us. We are so undeserving of His blessings!

Pictured above is our new place that we are currently gutting and remodeling. Below is our temporary home-the camper and our fifth generation farm we left.
