Have you ever read the ingredients in commercial window cleaner? Until today, I had no idea what was in them, but I always assumed that it wasn’t good to be breathing in those strong smelling, toxic chemicals that would spray out each time I pulled the handle. After reading the list of ingredients today, I was even more thankful that I never use it anymore. I have worked for several years on a variety of ingredients to clean my windows, and I haven’t liked any of them until recently. I can honestly say that I have finally come up with a recipe that I love, and it’s so simple, effective, and frugal. I hope you will give it a try too!
When I clean my windows, I like to take my screens off and set them on a big towel in my bathtub (so I don’t scratch my tub). Then I use my shower sprayer to clean the screens with hot water. I let them drip for a few minutes and then dry them off with a rag. Next, I take a bucket with warm water to the window I’m cleaning, and I use a rag to wash everything around the glass. Then I wipe the glass with the newly wet rag (only if the glass has dirt on it), and repeat until all the dirt is off. Without drying the glass, I spray my new glass cleaner, wipe it off with a dry cotton rag, and finish with a non-shiny newspaper (the newspaper really helps to polish and remove streaks). I don’t use gloves, but some people like to wear gloves while working with newspaper. The distilled water in the spray recipe helps to prevent streaks from forming on the window, since it doesn’t contain all the minerals. Avoiding paper towels will also prevent streaks, along with keeping lint from getting on the glass. I’m sure it’s not as effective as the commercial glass cleaner, but it’s pretty close. Our family is happy with it, and we all feel good when we are done cleaning windows here on the farm!
Natural Window Cleaner
- 1/3 cup alcohol
- 1/2 cup distilled water
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- 20 drops essential oil
- Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and then add this liquid to a glass amber bottle with a sprayer. Be sure to label your product. I hope you enjoy cleaning windows as much as I do!
Our family has learned to slow down, make careful observations of what heals/damages, get rid of the distractions, take a little more time preparing our food, and most importantly to seek the Lord’s wisdom. It’s a daily struggle and it never goes perfectly, but we just keep trying to do the best we can. If you are working toward a more traditional, clean, whole foods diet, and would like to take small steps to get there, then you are at the right place. Week one was get your salt right, week 2 was get your sleep right, weeks 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were get your fats right, we had several weeks about seasonings and herbs, some important discussion about natural sweeteners, talked about Forgiveness, hopefully we got our eggs right, learned about the benefits of pastured, clean meats, considered getting mercury removed, we got the toxins out of our mouth, skin, and hair, and this week we will continue to focus on our house. Join us next Tuesday for Get Your . . . Right.