Eight Ways to Age Our Skin Faster

This week we are focusing on getting the toxins out of our skin care items that can be harmful to our health and can age us faster. Because I believe what we eat is just as important as what we put on our skin, I have added a few of those too. While none of us want to appear older than we are (I was doing just that and didn’t even realize it), we often don’t fully understand how detrimental these added ingredients to our products along with not getting the proper nourishment are to our skin and health. I have noticed a big difference in my skin since I started using real soap with quality ingredients, moisturizing with basic oils and herbs without the harmful components added, and using facial cream without the poisonous toxins. I have also had many other people report similar results. We can’t stop the aging process, but we can sure speed it up by following this list of eight things.

  1. Putting poisons on our skin.
  2. Avoiding the “bad” fats like lard, coconut oil, tallow, egg yolks, and butter that are loaded with amazing vitamins like A and D.
  3. Using cheap, fake soap with the glycerin removed, which sucks the moisture out of our skin (think wrinkles).
  4. Eating lab created industrial fats like vegetable oils, Crisco, and margarine.
  5. Using products that contain colorants (think allergies all the way to cancer).
  6. Consuming highly processed foods that are loaded with chemicals, extremely hard to digest, and deficient in natural vitamins and minerals, enzymes, good bacteria, and more.
  7. Using products with harmful preservatives that are added to so many skin care items.
  8. Falling for those cheap products that contain fragrances (even “natural” fragrances).

While these are definitely great ways to quicken the “curse”, there are certainly more that I didn’t list. When I was looking for skin care items to buy, I couldn’t find any that didn’t have at least one bad ingredient, so I started making my own. You can do this too, or if you don’t have time, we would be happy to help you out! Are you speeding up that aging process, or are you like me and making changes? We love to hear from you!