Nourishing Guilt Free Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

Did you know that a lot of the ice creams on the market actually contain antifreeze to keep your ice cream from becoming too hard? Many also contain artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, soy, corn syrup, GMOs, and so much more. Even organic ice creams contain refined organic sugar. We have strayed so far away from the healthy ice cream that our great grandparents would have recognized and enjoyed. Since I believe store bought ice cream should be avoided, we started making our own several years ago, and thanks to modern equipment, it’s so easy. I am so excited to share our recipe with you!

I will confess that we eat A LOT of ice cream! It’s one of the few desserts that everyone feels good after eating! I may shock you by saying this, but I truly believe there are a lot of health benefits to our ice cream. Wait! Don’t leave my website in horror. Here’s why. Our ice cream is different because it uses raw cream from our old-fashioned jersey cows that get rotated on pasture daily, and they never get fed grains. Raw cream from this type of cow is loaded with valuable nutrients that are easy to digest and also contains the Wulzen Factor, referred to as the “antistiffness” factor. When talking about this factor, Sally Fallon said, “It protects humans and animals from calcification of the joints, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland.  Calves fed pasteurized milk or skim milk develop joint stiffness and do not thrive.” Amazingly when the calves are given raw butter fat again their symptoms are reversed!”

During Dr. Price’s travels he noted that the people of Sudan that depended heavily on cream had exceptional teeth with little decay. I took note of this and ate a lot of cream with my latest baby (too much ice cream this winter!). The more I ate the happier she was, and her teeth look amazing compared to all of my kids. Sickness has also been incredibly mild since we started eating more cream. Talking with the older generations they too saw the benefits of cream and many said they ate an abundance of it. As you can probably tell, I am a huge believer in raw cream! Most recipes that you will find for homemade ice cream, combine cream and milk, but because of milk allergies, we only use cream, since this has very little lactose or casein. Just recently we have added A2A2 raw milk to our diet with success, but that’s a story for another time. I have found just using cream makes the ice cream more creamy and less icy too.

Another amazing ingredient in this recipe is eggs. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals (especially if the chickens are on grass), and raw eggs have even more health benefits if they are not cooked. Honey is loaded with enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, is easy to digest, and the Bible says it’s good, so we LOVE honey. Using real vanilla extract and a vanilla bean make this ice cream phenomenal! Because we have cut back on sweeteners our recipe calls for ¼ cup of honey, but I will give you the recipe that I make if we have guests over. If you make a batch of cookies with 2 full cups of sugar, you may want to bump this up to 1 cup of honey.

Eating homemade ice cream with good quality ingredients is satisfying and nourishing. As with anything there are always risks. My personal belief is that the benefits outweigh the risks, but some experts believe that it is unsafe to consume raw dairy or raw eggs. I personally would never eat raw eggs from hens that are not out on grass, especially if they are not collected daily and handled carefully. The same goes with raw milk. As with anything there is still a risk, and I encourage you to pray and do your own research to see if this might be a good option for you.

Nourishing Guilt Free Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


  • 4 Eggs
  • 3/4 cup Honey
  • 2 tsp. Real Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Vanilla Bean Optional
  • 6 cups Cream


  • Add the eggs to a medium sized bowl and whisk very well (some recipes will call for the egg yolks only, but I hate to waste the white and use it all). After the eggs are whisked, add the honey, vanilla, salt, and vanilla bean to the eggs and combine well. The most important step in making ice cream with honey is being sure to get all the ingredients incorporated well. Add this to the cream and stir again. The next step is to get this mixture very cold, then freeze in an ice cream freezer according to the manufacture’s directions. Plain vanilla ice cream is good and doesn’t need anything, but for a change we love to top this with strawberries from the garden, homemade chocolate sauce, soaked nuts, or peaches from our orchard.
    Note: To use a vanilla bean, simply cut it in half and use a knife to scrape out the seeds. I have a bottle of organic vodka that I then add the leftover bean to.