Our First Farmer’s Market

unnamedTomorrow will be our sixth week of the local farmer’s market. This is our first experience selling at a farmer’s market. Our family has had a lot of fun through this process. We have enjoyed visiting and educating our community about local, natural products and we are blessed to see our children grow as we attempt to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in them.

Our oldest Alena, 14, has been busy sewing aprons, weaving pot holders, and baking cinnamon rolls. Kailey, 11, has been baking bread each week. She recently purchased two nubian does. Caleb, 9, loves to build and has been making raised beds and recently started worm farming. Aiden, 6, will be raising 5 broilers this fall.

I hope to share some tips on selling at a farmer’s market after we have more experience.